How To Cast Black Magic Spells
How to Cast Black magic spells Instructions
Things You'll Need:
* Bell
Step 1. Determine the type of black magic spell you want to cast. For example, do you want to create disorder, incite a disaster, bring bad luck?
Step 2. Write a new spell or refer to your book of shadows (see Resources).
Step 3. Ring a bell, chanting, three times:
We extinguish the light,
We render its death,
Violent light, light is dead.
Step 4. Imagine the person you want to cast a black magic spell against. For example, to ward off an enemy and incite fear, ask that fear be cast into his heart and trouble or disaster befall him. Follow by binding your enemy to his own fear and powerlessness. Forbid him from gaining power over you, and close the circle by ringing the bell three more times.
Step 5. Cast a black magic spell to ward off bad luck. Open the circle by extending your arms. Focus your mind on the bad luck that afflicts you and kneel to the ground. Still concentrating, dig a handful of dirt, and holding it in your hand, imagine the trouble or pain you want to cast away. State the exact problem or affliction--for example, trouble at work, a co-worker out to "get you" or gambling debt--and then throw the dirt over your shoulder. Continue to walk away without turning your gaze back to the dirt or the hole you dug in the earth.
Step 6. Cast a black magic spell to get an enemy to move. Write the name and date of birth of the person on parchment paper. Fold the paper with a photo wrapped inside until it is completely rolled around the photo. Guide the rolled paper into a bottle containing vinegar. Throw the bottle into a water source like a lake or ocean. As your hand thrusts the bottle forward, imagine the person leaving, or cast a verbal spell ordering him to leave. The spell must be cast when the moon is in a waning period.
Tips And Warnings
* Record the results of each black magic spell.
* Never use black magic as a game.
Books You Might Enjoy:
Pamela Ball - The Ultimate Book Of Spells.pdf
Opus Majus - The Book Of The Black Serpent
Kenneth Grant - Magical Revival
Anonymous - Book Of Spells
Thomas Moore - Candle Magick For Love