Spells For All Occasions
Some Spell Ethics
The central ethic within Wicca is, "An ye harm none, do as ye will." This
applies not just to spells and rituals, but also to everyday life as well, ya
know... Besides, with concepts such as Karma or The Threefold Law, I wouldn't
want to do anything harmful for fear of that harm coming back to me, most likely
three times as bad.
We as Pagans should set a good example anyhow. For many many, many years,
Witches have been cast out as being "evil" people, or we have wrongly taken the
blame when something goes wrong. Yes, it is the 1990's, and one would think by
now that such medieval notions would have been forgotten by now. But, that isn't
the way it is. So, I believe that it is up to us to break those myths. It is up
to us to say, "HEY WORLD!!! I AM NOT A BAD PERSON!!!!!
Anything causing harm to anyone, including oneself and others, and anything
that limits anyone's free will should be expressly avoided!!!
For example, one of the questions hear get the most is, "Corky, how do I make
So-And-So fall madly in love with me?" The answer is simply, "You don't."
Forcing someone in specific to fall in love with you is limiting their free
will. So, how can this be avoided? Well, let's say that all the person wants is
to find a romantic partner and that in their mind, this person is the best
choice. Why not do a spell for "A lover who is perfect for me." and put the
energy out into the universe to bring whoever that is into your life.
There are a lot of people out there who say that doing any spell for any self-
glorification is bad. I, personally, do not see things this way. Yes, if you are
doing spells to make yourself the best person in the world so that you can show
off to all your friends and the people in the checkout line at the local
supermarket, yes, I do believe that would be true. Every now and then, whenever
the need or want arrives, I feel it is OK to splurge a little.
So, if you are planning on doing a spell that may or may not be ethical, how can
you figure out weather or not to do the spell? Well, one good idea is to think
it over. What is my specific need or want? Are there any other ways to go about
getting it? Another good idea, if you know anything about tarot or runes or ???
is to do a reading of some sort to see what the results (or consequences) of
doing such a spell would be, and to take the results of the reading into
consideration before performing the spell.
The Spells
To Bless a New Relationship
Bake a fresh loaf of bread. Hold it up to the moon and ask the lady to bless the
bread as well as the relationship. Break off a piece of the bread for your
partner, as well as one for yourself as well. As you share time together, share
the bread as well. (Do not cut the bread with a knife or any other cutting tool.
Just break off the pieces with your hands. Adding butter or jam might be a good
idea to help sweeten things up a bit.)
To Attract a Love
Play a CD or Tape of some romantic music that means something to you. Make sure
that the music does not include songs that you associate with another person. It
is important to keep specific people out of your mind performing this spell. On
a sheet of cardboard, light a candle of your favorite color to represent you.
Then, light a red or pink candle to represent whoever your new love may be.
Using a red magic marker or crayon, draw a heart around the red candle. Every
day for at least a week, relight the candles in the evening, and as soon as you
light the candles, move them slightly closer together, so that on the last day,
the candles are as close together as possible.
To Heal a Friendship
Shortly after an argument, buy a greeting card which closely expresses what you
would like to say to your friend. Rub the greeting card with lavender leaves
before you give it to them or mail it to ensure that it is well received.
To Bring Adventure to Your Life
Sprinkle the soles of your shoes With Some cinnamon and place some almonds in
your pocket before setting out for the day.
To Protect From Nightmares
Fill a small pillowcase with anise seeds, dragon's blood, and lavender and place
the pillowcase under your pillow when you go to sleep. Ask the Celtic Goddess,
Mare (MAH-re), the bringer of dreams to only bring you nice dreams.
To Quiet a Noisy House
Powder some dragon's blood, and in a small bottle, mix it with sugar and salt.
Cover tightly and secure it someplace in the home where it will not be seen or
disturbed. This will help keep things peaceful and quiet.
For A Peaceful Home
Gather freshly cut parsley and place it in a pan of water. Let it soak for nine
minutes, and then sprinkle the water throughout the house while visualizing a
calm environment. Peace will be restored.
For protection and Purification (Bath)
Steep a teaspoon of basil in a cup of boiling water, and strain out the herb.
Add it to you bath water for a protective and cleansing influence. It is
particularly useful to clean off the feelings left by contact with those who
are negative or controlling.
To Attract Customers to a Business or Visitors to a Home
Make a fine powder out of some basil leaves and sprinkle them around the main
entrance to the home or place of business. It is believed that only good and
friendly people will enter, since it supposedly repels those who intend harm
toward the workers of a business or the occupants of a home.
To Lose Your Troubles
Take a handful of earth and gaze into it. Put all your troubles and thoughts of
distress into it. State exactly what it is that's troubling you. When finished,
throw the dirt behind you and walk away without turning around to look at it.
To Bring Certain Influences Into Your Life
In a plot of prepared land, or in a medium sized flower pot, sow the seeds of
an appropriate plant in the form of a symbol or rune representative of your
need. Tend to the plants. After they sprout, draw a circle around them in the
earth or soil with your power hand. Stand in quiet contemplation of the
growing, living symbol. As it has sprung into existence, so shall your need.
You may want to look in a magical herbal book for the magical influences of
certain herbs.
To Help Heal Depression
Light a green candle. As you gaze into the candle for a few moments, try to
relax as much as you can and clear all thoughts from your mind. Visualize the
Mother Goddess sitting in front of you. Listen for a moment to hear if she has
any words of encouragement for you. Visualize her next hugging your and holding
you as you rock gently back and forth from side to side easing away your pain
and sorrow.
Another good idea, if you suffer from chronic depression is to see a therapist
of some sort. There may be another way to deal with your problems, and
sometimes just talking about it helps too.
To Enchant A Book
Light a blue and an indigo candle. Invoke a Goddess of Wisdom, and ask for her
help to enchant the book. Inscribe the book letting the inscription express the
desired wish.
To Help in Times of Financial Difficulties
With clove or cinnamon oil, trace a money symbol or rune on the largest
denomination of bill that you have. Put this in your wallet and resist spending
it for as long as you can. Every time you look at the bill, visualize the rune
to reinforce its power.
(c) 1996
Free eBooks (Can Be Downloaded):
Talismagick - Love Spells And Rituals For Love And RelationshipsRobert Bruce - Treatise On Astral Projection
Al Selden Leif - Pagan Spells Life Spells
Phil Hine - Aspects Of Evocation