Artistic Inspiration

Artistic Inspiration Cover

Pen, pencil or paintbrush (depending on the art form)
Elmer's glue
Silver glitter
Almond, sage or vanilla essential oil
A white candle

This is a simple spell to bring you divine inspiration to write and create
visual art.

Anoint the candle with the essential oil you have chosen and using an athame or
a small, sharp tool, inscribe the name "Brighid" (goddess of poetic
inspiration), or if you prefer not to invoke a deity, simply inscribe your art
form which you need inspiration in. Light your candle and begin.

Squeeze some glue onto a piece of scrap paper and dip the end (not the useable
part) of your craft tool into it, covering about an inch deep. Then roll the end
in the glitter so that it is completely covered. As you do, focus on the
inspiration you seek. Say your own blessing over the tool, then situate it so
that it can dry without the glittered end getting smashed. The next day, make a
few attempts at your art with your newly enchanted tool in hand. Let the
inspiration come to you and flow from your mind to your material.

Also try this free pdf e-books:

Aleister Crowley - Book 4 Part I Meditation
Francesca De Grandis - Goddess Initiation

Tags: spellbook  spiritual guide rich  flame ritual opening  witch hammer  most discourse