A Money Philter

A Money Philter Cover A MONEY PHILTER (From Oracle)

Used to attract wealth, food, clothing and all necessary goods.

1 tbsp Yellow Mustard Seeds
1 tbsp Mistletoe
1 tbsp Safflowers
1 tbsp Clovers
10 Drops Sweet Orange Oil
10 Drops Sandalwood Oil
10 Drops Jasmine Oil

Bind the ingredients Together with:

1 tsp Myrrh
1 tbsp Frankincense

Mix all the ingredients together and focus your intentions on the purpose of the
spell. Cup your hands Around the ingredients and charge the mixture by stating
whatever you want it to accomplish. Say:

" I charge these herbs to bring (state what you need)
This spell assures that changes will bring gain and benefit.
I ask that this spell be correct and for the good of all.
So Mote it be! "

It is done. Pour the herbs into the earth.

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