Erect A Cairn Of Power
Select 10 or 20 sones of approximately the same size. Larger is better - just be sure that you can safely handle them. When collecting the stones, always ask permission, and take the stone ONLY if permission is granted. Be respectful of the place, and be sure to leave appropriate offerings, and blessings.
Before building the Cairn, get grounded and centered. If you are working with others, avoid small talk and distractions. Silence is best.
Allow the stones to speak to you, and guide you in the building of the Cairn. As you place the first stone, say aloud and with conviction:
"I place here a stone of power."
Repeat this with the rest of your stones, gradually forming a sturdy pile of stones. The pile can have a square or triangular base, and the shape it forms will be dictated by the rocks you chose. Take your time, listen to the land, the wind, the voices in the trees. You are building a Cairn of Power - take it seriously. If you are quiet enough, and serious enough, a name will come to you.
As you place the last stone on top of the pile, say:
"This is a Cairn of Power"
Listen and wait for the naming of the Cairn.
When the name comes to you say:
"This is " (name the Cairn)
Pour a libation of water or wine, and light a small candle to activate the energies. If you have magick to perform, do it now. When you are complete, leave an offering of cornmeal, salt, flowers, herbs or whatever feels appropriate.
Each time you return, you can bring another stone, crystals, amulets, shells, statues, or other items to add to the Cairn. Over time, and as you continue to revisit the Cairn, your connection to the power will build, and eventually you will have only to think of it to receive a surge of energy.
Spell by: Shirleytwofeathers
Recommended books (downloadable pdfs):
Idres Shah - The Book Of PowerAnonymous - Protection Of Space
Anton Josef Kirchweger - The Golden Chain Of Homer
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