Protection Spell A Simple Salt Ring

Protection Spell A Simple Salt Ring Cover

Protection Spell -Simple

Protection Spell, A Simple Salt Ring


Mix together 1 part salt to 3 parts water. The salt can be any variety, if you have an affinity to the ocean, use sea salt. Pure spring water is reccomended, but tap water will do if that is all you have.


Circle the area to be protected splashing the salt-water as you go around. Do this three times. While doing each circle, repeat three times,

"Thrice around and thrice repeat, all evil does this ring defeat."

See the sheild come up as you finsish the last circle. It is done.

This spell should be done after the area to be protected has been cleansed and purified in some fashion.

Recommended books (free to download):

Al Selden Leif - Pagan Spells Bath Spells
Anonymous - Protection Of Space

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