Witch Spell For Love

Witch Spell For Love Cover

I want to start off by saying that I wrote this but I think that witches need to see this and to know that this is the real way to get love. It's fun to mess around with spells, but true love shouldn't come from a spell.

What you need:

1 cup of commitment ointment
2 cups of Trust dust
Ѕ cup of laughter tea
1/4 cup of arguments
1 whole fruit of happiness (or maybe two)
1 lesson on sharing
2 lessons on understanding
Kind words

When to do this spell: During all the moons and signs

What you do:

Take one cup of trust and gently (and gradually) sprinkle it on yourself, your partner should do the same. Steep the laughter in boiling water and drink the tea whenever possible. Eat the fruit of happiness whenever necessary. Rub the commitment oil all over your body any time you feel the need to un-commit.
Unfortunately nobody likes the taste of argument but every once in while you will probably take a spoon full. Now, don't forget to take the sharing and understanding lessons or your spell will not be complete! Always use kind words to each other (especially "I love you"). Above all, enjoy yourselves.

Written By Arian Wolf

Recommended books (free to download):

Tarostar - The Witchs Spellcraft Revised
Aj Drew - Wicca Spellcraft For Men

Labels: maintain love family  using animal  protection spell  specific person  invoke muse  fertility spells  spell study  rich witch  fairy  salem witch trials newspaper  february lughnassadh  gustav jung