Poetic Inspiration

Poetic Inspiration Cover
Perform on a Wednesday when the moon is waxing. Best if done when the moon is in
Gemini, but its not required.

Light a purple candle. You can also burn some jasmine or rose incense if you

Say this incantation:

Oh Goddess Brigit,
Bright lady of the flame,
Blessed mother of the poets.
Lend me such insight, wisdom and divine inspiration
That the words may flow to me
And that I may craft them beautifully
So that they spin a tapestry of magick
In the hearts of all who hear them.
So mote it be.

Leave the candle to burn itself out. When it does, put it wherever you keep
ritual remnants and give thanks to the Goddess for her gift.

Books in PDF format to read:

Hellmut Ritter - Picatrix In German
Aleister Crowley - One Star In Sight
Francesca De Grandis - Goddess Initiation

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