Wishing Well Spell

Wishing Well Spell Cover
Take any large bowl. Drip a few drops of different colored candle wax in the bottom of the bowl, then adhere a white candle to that spot. The different colors represent diverse needs and goals, while the white binds this variety together in harmony.

Each morning, light the candle when you get up and put a coin in the bowl. Make your wish for the day. Blow out the candle before you leave the house. Whenever you desperately need to have a wish fulfilled, remove a coin from the bowl and either plant it in rich soil (houseplants will do ) or throw it into moving water so that your message of need will be carried through the earth.

When the bowl is filled with coins, use all but a few (these "seeds" always remain in your bowl) for random acts of kindness, like getting treats for the neighborhood kids or helping a homeless person. Your generosity will return to you threefold to keep the magic of benevolence, both mundane and divine, with you always.

Recommended books (free to download):

Kathryn Paulsen - Witches Potions And Spells
Anonymous - White Magic Spells

Labels: candle magick work  wicca beliefs  between holidays  change things  wicca wiccan witchcraft  money philter  witchcraft wicca  attract mind  gods gods  angel poem  merry spring equinox  imagem angelical