Gregorian Chant
TRADITIO Traditional Roman Catholic Network
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Last Updated: 02/27/11
For current contact information, refer to the latest edition of the Official Traditional Catholic Directory. See for further information. Unless another source is noted below, recordings can be ordered from H&B Recordings Direct at
Although there are many recordings made in recording studios, or sometimes in larger churches or monasteries with professional or dedicated choirs, there are few, if any, recordings made by the average small lay choir, chanting what can actually be attempted in the smaller churches, chapels, and oratories, to which the Sacred Chant can be a great addition in the traditional Roman liturgy.
The St. John Schola is, therefore, recording a CD series consisting of unedited, live recordings of the type of chant pieces that may be used at traditional churches and chapels. It makes no pretense to being
professional, but to what is achievable, with a little work, by the average small lay choir. This series will serve as a practical guide for the wider use of Gregorian chant in the traditional Roman Catholic liturgy. Supporting music sheets and booklets are available to accompany the recordings and aid small choirs in using Gregorian chant for the traditional liturgy.
For ordering and descriptive information, see the TRADITIO Network's Gregorian Chant department.
ChantCD Volume I: Christmas Matins of the Divine Office-Abridgement
(February 2006)
ChantCD Volume II: First Mass of Christmas (February 2006)
ChantCD Volume III: Fourth Sunday after Epiphany (July 2006)
ChantCD Volume IV: Pentecost (August 2006)
ChantCD Volumes I-IV: Box Collection (January 2007)
ChantCD Volume V: 14th Sunday after Pentecost (June 2007)
ChantCD Volume VI: 4th Sunday after Easter (February 2008)
ChantCD Volume VII: Basilica of Sts. Peter & Paul (January 2009)
ChantCD Volume VIII: Cantus Populares-Popular Chants (December 2009)
ChantCD Volumes V-VIII: Box Collection (January 2007)
ChantCD Volume IX: Holy Week and Easter (February 2011)
Herald HAVPCD122 Gregorian Chant
This set, sung by the Choir and Monks of Farnborough Abbey,
is a wonderful selection of favorite chants from the liturgical
year. Among those included are Rorate Caeli Desuper (Advent),
Dominus Dixit (Christmas Midnight Mass), Attende Domine (Lent),
Tantum Ergo (Maundy Thursday), Victimae Paschali Laudes (Easter),
Veni Sancte Spiritus (Pentecost), Ave Maris Stella (Vespers
Hymn), Salve Regina (Compline Antiphon), Requiem Aeternam
(Mass for the Dead), In Paradisum (Exequies), Asperges Me
(Sunday Aspersion). The final piece is a true gem, the
Christus Vincit Acclamation.
Philips 420879 Salve Regina
This set, sung by the Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of Saint-
Maurice & Saint-Maur, Clervaux, is a beautiful selection of
favorite Marian and Eucharistic chants from the liturgical
year. Among those included are the Stabat Mater (Seven Dolors
of the Blessed Virgin Mary), Lauda Sion (Corpus Christi),
Te Deum (Matins), Tantum Ergo (Corpus Christi), O Salutaris
Hostia (Corpus Christi), Salve Regina (Compline), Victimae
Paschali Laudes (Easter), Veni Creator Spiritus (Pentecost).
Accord 149172 Mass of the Dead, Exequies
Accord 149522 Noel: Midnight Mass, Mass of the Day
Accord 149536 Gregorian Anthology
Accord 201472 Palm Sunday
Accord 201482 Mass of Pentecost, Mass of Trinity Sunday
Accord 201492 Masses of Paschaltide: Quasimodo Sunday, Pascal Vigil,
Third Sunday after Easter
Accord 201502 Masses of Paschaltide: Second Sunday after Easter,
Fourth Sunday after Easter, Fifth Sunday after Easter
Accord 201532 Mass of the Ascension, Mass of the Assumption
Accord 202582 Mass "Gaudete" (Third Sunday of Advent),
Mass "Laetare" (Fourth Sunday of Lent)
Accord 202592 Kyriale and Ancient Litanies: Mass VIII "De Angelis",
Mass XV, Mass XVI
Accord 221602 Easter (Mass and some of the Office)
Accord 222012 Sunday Vespers and Compline
The most authentic collection of Gregorian chant is that produced by
the Choir of the Monks of the Abbey of St. Peter of Solemnes under
the direction of Dom J. Gajard, O.S.B., and Dom Marie Clair, O.S.B.
These recordings were recorded before Vatican II and have since
been remastered. These recordings represent the quintessence of
the chant, without the operatic qualities of later recordings.
There is a later set by the same choir on the Paraclete label under
Dom Jean Clair, but these reflect the innovations in the Divine
Office that followed Vatican II.
Available from the St. Gregory Society.
Solemn Mass of Christmas Day with Palestrina's Missa O Magnum Mysterium Solemn Mass of Pentecost with Mozart's Coronation Mass
Solemn Mass of Pentecost with Palestrina's Missa Dum Complerentur
Solemn Mass of Corpus Christi with DesPrez' Missa Pange Lingua
Solemn Mass of Easter Day with Palestrina's Missa Regina Caeli
Solemn Mass of Epiphany with di Lasso's Missa Bell' Amfitrit' Altera Solemn Mass of the Assumption of Our Lady with Victoria's Missa Gaudeamus Solemn Mass of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross with Palestrina's
Missa Sacerdos et Pontifex
Solemn Mass of the Sacred Heart with Victoria's Missa Quam Pulchri Sunt Solemn Votive Mass of St. Gregory the Great with di Lasso's Missa In Te Domine
These recordings by the Schola Cantorum of the St. Gregory Society
integrate the Ordinary from the great works of sacred polyphony
with the Gregorian Propers. Included also are the cantilations
of the Collect, Epistle, Gospel, and Preface.
Available from ChantCD. $9.99 per CD.
Chant Compendium 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5
These compendia, recorded live at St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary
contain psalms, hymns, responsories, etc.) from the traditional
Divine Office, as well as Gregorian hymns, and the Ordinaries and
Propers of the Mass.
This 2-CD set by St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary contains the Hour of
Compline for each of the seven days of the week.
Matins of Christmas Eve
This 2-CD set by St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary contains the complete
Matins for the Matins of the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord,
certainly one of the most beautiful chants of the entire year. It
is the only recording of a complete set of Matins with all three
Nocturns of psalms, lessons, and responsories.
Holy Week
Tenebrae 2000 for Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday
This 2-CD set by St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary contains all the
chant for Matins and Lauds, known as Tenebrae, for the three most
sacred days of the liturgical year.
Available from Angelus Press. $29.95 per volume (Volume 8 of 3 CDs is
Volume 1: Advent to Epiphany (ALCG01)
Volume 2: Feast of the Holy Family to 2nd Sunday of Lent (ALCG02)
Volume 3: End of Lent and Holy Week (ALCG03)
Volume 4: Eastertide (ALCG04)
Volume 5: Pentecost to 7th Sunday after Pentecost (ALCG05)
Volume 6: From the 7th to the 14th Sunday after Pentecost (ALCG06)
Volume 7: From the 1th to the Last Sunday after Pentecost (ALCG07)
Volume 8: The 18 Kyriales and the 6 Credos (ALCG08)
Volume 9: Sanctoral Cycle I (December 8 through July 1) (ALCG09)
This is a series of 2-CD sets each by the Schola Bellarmina of
Brussels that includes the Propers for all the Masses of the
liturgical year. A short organ piece is played as a prelude to each
set of Propers (Introit, Gradual, Alleluia, Offertory, and
Communion). Most of the Proper chants are sung to organ
Credo: 1000 Years of Sacred Music. Pergolesi's Stabat Mater and Salve Regina, Handel's Messiah, Bach's St. John's Passion, Janacek's Glagolithic Mass, Verdi's Requiem, Beethoven's Missa Solemnis, Bernstein's Chichester Psalms, Rutter's Gloria, Britten's Te Deum, Dvorak's Requiem, Mozart's Requiem, Faure's Requiem, Faure's Cantique de Jean Racine, Britten's Rejoice in the Lamb and Festival Te Deum, Poulenc's Exsultate Deo and and Litanies and Petites Prieres de Saint Francois d'Assise and Salve Regina, Gregorian and Russian Orthodox chant. Pro Cantione Antiqua, King's College Choir of Cambridge, et al. Musica Angeli MNG-99181, 15 CDs, $51.00.
Sanctus: 1000 Years of Sacred Music. Monteverdi's Vespri della Beata Vergine, Bach's Mass in B Minor and Magnificat, Cherubini's Missa Solemnis, Vivaldi's Gloria, Mozart's Mass in C Minor, Durufle's Requiem, Dvorak's Stabat Mater, Brahms' Requiem, Schubert's Magnificat, Haydn's Marmoniemesse, Purcell's Sacred Music, Hildegard von Bingen's Antiphons, Palestrina, Victoria, Gesualdo, Tallis, Byrd, Weelkes, Tomkins, Des Prez, Ramsey, Kirbye, and others. Choir of Clare College Cambridge, the Choir of New College Oxford, et al. Musica di Angeli MNG-99452, 15 CDs, $51.00.
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