Bringing Love To Your Life
Note: This spell is not intended to be used on someone. It is a general spell
to be sent out to the universe, so you can find your mate. It will not make
someone love you.
Create an oil consisting of 1/8c. unscented oil (safflower or sunflower),mixed
with enough rose geranium and lavender to create a pleasant scent. Blend these
in a clear glass jar. Empower the oil to the cause of finding love. Rub well
onto a Pink candle.
The Ritual
To empower the oil, focus on the jar, and think of the feelings of love.
Contentment, commitment, joy, etc. Allow this love energy to flow into the oil.
At a quiet moment, when you know you will be around long enough for the candle
to burn fully, say the following prayer, and light the candle.
Oh Lady who loves us,
Oh Lord who loves us well,
Please bring my true love to me,
the one of whom my dreams do tell.
Bright Lady of the Heavens,
Strong Lord of the Earth,
Please aid me in finding this love.
Let this harm none, let none be coerced.
Books in PDF format to read:
Paschal Beverly Randolph - Seership Guide To Soul SightEa Wallis Budge - Egyptian Ideas Of The Future Life
Anonymous - Starting A New Coven Looking At Yourself