Protection Against Black Witches

Protection Against Black Witches Cover Protection against Black Witches

In folklore, brass is used to repel evil spirits and witches. Bells crafted from
brass were hung on the necks of livestock to prevent them from falling to the
evil eye.

From about the 12th century on, candles were placed on church altars. Holy
candles were used by priests in the ritual of exorcism, and by farmers to
protect their livestock from bewitchment. The Malleus Maleficarum instructs
inquisitors to used holy candles "for preserving oneself from the injury of

Charms are magical phrases, words, chants, incantations, or prayers, which
protect against or cure disease, and ward off witchcraft, disaster, and evil.
Although witches were believed to make use of charms, common people weren't
above using them for themselves as protection against witchcraft. The most
common charms concert witchcraft, illness, and health. In the 17th century,
copies of St. John's Gospel were sold as a charm against witchcraft. To break
witches' spells, herbs were prescribed along with the recitation of one Creed,
five Aves, and five Paternosters.

Garlic is best known for its properties of averting vampires. However, it was
considered equally effective in warding off the evil eye, demons, and witches.
Many healing remedies contained garlic, and garlands of garlic worn around the
neck or hung inside a house were used to repel evil spirits, spells, and

Many gemstones were believed to protect against witchcraft and the evil eye.
These stones were often worn in rings or amulets. Amber and coral protected
against the evil eye, and cats eye, saronyx, and ruby protected against
witchcraft. Small stones and pebbles scattered on a floor were also considered
effective in keeping witches at bay.

A hagstone is a stone with a hole in it hung in stables and homes to keep away
witches or hags at night. If hung on the bedpost, it protected the sleeper from
having a hag ride one's chest and causing a nightmare. Hung in the stable, it
prevented witches from riding horses all night to exhaustion.

Although hazel was purported to have been used by witch's witch hazel, it was
also used to protect against witches. Hazelnuts and hazel wood were believed to
offer protection against fairy bewitchment, demons, and witchcraft. Horses were
protected by wearing hazel breastbands on their harnesses. In Scotland, double
hazelnuts were hurled at witches, and cattle were singed with hazel rods at
Midsummer and Beltane fires to keep fairies away.

Iron is believed to be one of the top charms against evil spirits, demons,
sorcerers, and witches. European folklore says witches cannot pass over cold
iron, and that burying an iron knife under your doorstep will ensure no witches
will ever enter your house. In some areas, iron was used to protect entire
villages. Iron was also considered a choice ward against malicious fairies. In
some areas, it also repelled ghosts. Iron was a popular metal for the creation
of amulets, which protect against the evil eye, bad luck, danger, evil spirits,
and witches.

According to English folklore, a witch's power can be destroyed by sticking pins
in the heart of a stolen hen or by pricking a pigeon with pins. Witch hunters
often used pins to prick suspected witches when looking for Devil's marks.

Salt has been long considered anathema to evil and demons. In folklore, salt
provides protection against witches, witchcraft, demons, and the evil eye. Salt
also was used to break evil spells. During the Middle Ages, it was a common
belief that witches and the animals they bewitched could not eat anything
salted. "Inquisitors who interrogated accused witches were advised by
demonologists first to protect themselves by wearing a sacramental amulet that
consisted of salt consecrated on Palm Sunday and blessed herbs, pressed into a
disk of blessed wax." A common torture method was to force-feed an accused witch
heavily salted food and then deny them water.

Since antiquity, water has had associations with all that is pure and holy. From
the Middle Ages until the 19th century, accused witches were bound and thrown
into water to see if they would sink or float. Since water is the medium of holy
baptism, it was believed that it would reject an agent of the Devil: witches
would float. According to folklore, demons, vampires, and witches were unable to
cross running water. The safest thing to do if you were being chased by one was
to ford a stream. One of the Catholic Church's Most Powerful weapons against
the Supernatural was holy water. Holy water is a mixture of salt and water that
has been blessed by a priest. Witches, vampires, and other nasty evil creatures
were considered violently allergic to holy water.

Witch Boxes
In the 16th and 17 centuries, witch boxes were popular wards against witches.
They were made up of small wooden boxes full of pieces of human bone, herbs,
bits of rowan, and other odds and ends over which a spell of protection had been
cast. Witch-hunters frequently sold witch boxes as they journeyed from village
to village, whipping up witch hysteria.

Wolf's Head
According to Reginald Scot's 1665 work The Discovery of Witchcraft, "in some
countries they nail a wolf's head to the door, to prevent and cure all
mischief's by charms and witchcraft's."

Free eBooks (Can Be Downloaded):

Michael Magee - Robin Hood And The Witches
Anonymous - Protection Of Space
Anonymous - The Lawes Against Witches