The Practical Pagan Commonsense Guidelines For Modern Practitioners
Book: The Practical Pagan Commonsense Guidelines For Modern Practitioners by Dana Eilers
Offers suggestions, hints, and down-to-earth help for seekers and believers of Paganism to understand and find their place in the community. Included are discussions about what it means to be Pagan, getting involved in the Pagan community, myths about Paganism, and coming out of the broom closet. The book also gives valuable information about choosing a specific path, joining an organization and deciding to be a solitary practitioner. The book also contains common sense guidelines of conduct, Paganism and the family, love and relationships and educating yourself about Paganism. This book encourages all seekers and followers to follow their own inclination and it will serve as a guide and a resource to those just starting out or those who are still seeking answers.Finally, a book that deals with the realities of being pagan in a mundane world. Bravo to Ms. Eilers for taking the time and energy to put a lot of very valuable reference material together in one place and make it available to everyone. For those not familiar with Dana Eilers, she is a witch, she is a lawyer. She has worked for legal council for such groups as WARD, AREN and WADL. She has put in "years" of voluntary time to various Pagan/Witch/Wiccan groups as legal council as well as just time spent helping bring order to a chaotic situation.
Her book does the same thing. While we are all aware of our spiritual paths, we do encounter legal entanglements that may or may not be of our own making.
In those things that we mess up for ourselves, Ms. Eilers offers advice and council as to how to unmake those messes and avoid them in the future. Much of it is common sense, hence the name of the book. In those cases where our problems may be because of the religious path we choose to follow and are being either discriminated against or denied our rights, Ms. Eilers has placed chapter and verse of the law at our fingertips, to enable us to understand, in plain English (my goodness, a lawyer who speaks plain English, how unique and so definitely Pagan!) what our options are, where to seek council and material to provide any legal representative we may choose to aid us.
There is way too much material in this book (another plus for Ms. Eilers, she didn't cheap out on the information) to even try to recap the book. Everything from definitions of key words to meeting and greeting other pagans to proper behavior with pagans and with the mundane world.
Yes, this is a must have on your library shelf!!!! I would love to have several copies I could give away to some of the people I meet everyday in the pagan world, just so I pass along the common sense some people don't use that the Goddess gave them.
If nothing else, give this book a serious read. Ask at your local libraries and make sure they get a copy and keep it in stock. It is a much needed book in our community and will prove to be a valuable tool to the community over the years.
The Practical Pagan Commonsense Guidelines For Modern Practitioners
Books in PDF format to read:
Scott Cunningham - Living Wicca A Further Guide For The Solitary PractitionerNathan Johnston - The Devil And Demonism In Early Modern England
Scott Cunningham - Wicca A Guide For The Solitary Practitioner