Prosperity Spell

Prosperity Spell Image


* a small green or brown talisman bag
* three silver coins
* cinnamon and cedar chips
* a small dish
* your wand
* a pentacle
* cauldron
* ritual knife


This spell is best done during the waxing moon or on the Full Moon. Set your cauldron on the pentacle. Place a small dish inside the cauldron with a small amount of cinnamon and cedar chips on it. Beside your cauldron, lay your wand.

Tap each coin with the wand as you chant:

Glistering silver, coin of the Moon,
Shiny and round, bring me a boon.
Draw to my hands many more of your kind.
Multiply, grow, like the image in my mind.

Place the coins in the cauldron with the herbs. Stir the air clockwise seven times over the cauldron and chant:

Earth elementals, cunning and bright,
With me share treasures here on this night.
Share with me riches of silver and gold.
Success, prosperity, all I can hold.

Put the coins and the herbs in the talisman bag and lay it overnight in the moonlight. Either carry the talisman bag with you or keep it near your bed where you will see it every night.

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