To Bring Certain Influences To Your Life

To Bring Certain Influences To Your Life Cover To Bring Certain Influences Into Your Life

In a plot of prepared land, or in a medium sized flowerpot, sow the seeds of an
appropriate plant in the form of a symbol or rune representative of your need.
Tend to the plants. After they sprout, draw a circle around them in the earth or
soil with your power hand. Stand in quiet contemplation of the growing, living
symbol. As it has sprung into existence, so shall your need. You may want to
look in a magical herbal book for the magical influences of certain herbs.

Books in PDF format to read:

Emmanuel Swedenborg - The Delights Of Wisdom Pertaining To Conjugal Love
Ea Wallis Budge - Egyptian Ideas Of The Future Life
Genevieve Petty - Tantric Influences On Thelema