Charms And Spells

Charms And Spells Cover ABRACADABRA

She can o'ercast the night, and cloud the moon,
And make the Delis obedient to her croon,
At Midnight hours o'er the kirkyards she raves,
And howks unchristen'd weans out of their graves;
Boils up their livers in a warlock's pow,
Rins witherskins about the hemlock's low;

And seven times does her prayers backwards pray; Then mix't with venom of black taids and snakes.

Of this unsousy Pictures aft she makes
Of ony ane she hates; - and gars expire
With shaw and racking pains afore a fire:
Stuck full of pines the devilish pictures melt;
The pain by fowk they represent is felt.
Whilst she and cat sit beeking in her yard, etc.

Allan Ramsay, The Gentle Shepherd. 1686-1758.

Love Spells

Take a nutmeg and prick it full of holes and you shall see it wear a dew upon it. Put it in your arm-pit 2 days, then dry it on a tilestone and so it will fall to powder the which put in a woman's portion of pottage and drink not of it yourself. She shall love thee without doubt.

"Evil" Spells

In Naples, Italy, there is the dreaded Fattura della morte (Death-maker). A large green lemon is selected, and into it are thrust some two dozen or more great nails, about which is most intricately twined a thread of colored yarn. This is smoked over a brazier by the witches, who at the same time utter their incantations. It is considered ine of the foulest and most fatal of charms, hideously ineffective and a sure harbibing ... .aahhh I've lost the spell.

A spell with Christian elements used by Agnes Sampson, tried at North Berwick, 1612. See the North Berwich Trial for more background information.

All kindis of illis that ewir may be,
In Cristis name I conjure ye ;
I conjure ye, baith mair and les,
With all ye vertewis of ye Mess.

Free eBooks (Can Be Downloaded):

Anonymous - Hypnotism Spells
Leo Ruickbie - Halloween Spells
Emmanuel Swedenborg - Heaven And Hell
Kathryn Paulsen - Witches Potions And Spells