To Overcome Bad Feelings

To Overcome Bad Feelings Cover

Items you will need:
cauldron filled with spring water
sea salt
one White candle
one Black candle
a few squares of toilet paper
black pen

Start by filling your cauldron with water and adding the cleansing sea salt to
it, bless the water. Light the White candle and hold it in your hands. Visualize
loving, pure Goddess light energy and place it down next to the cauldron. Light
the Black candle and hold it in your hands. Visualize the Black candle soaking
up all the negativity in your life, in your attitudes and/or in the people
around you. Place it down next to the cauldron. On each square of toilet paper,
write one thing that you want to banish or overcome, example - my ex's
negativity, my lack of motivation at work, my self-badgering of gaining 10
pounds, etc. With each square, hold it in your hands and repeat these words:

'You have no power over me.
You have no power over me.
You have no power over me.
You have no power over me.'

Repeat this until you finally believe and realize that it is true. Then toss the
paper square into the cauldron. When you have done this with all the paper
squares, swish them around in the cauldron for one last blast of affirming
energy. Blow out the candles, take your cauldron and pour the water and paper
into the toilet and flush.

Author unknown.

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