To Conjure Spirits

To Conjure Spirits Cover
Waxing Moon or Full Moon: Waning or New Moon

- Two tall purple candles
- Two tall green candles
- A purple Amethyst, Green Jade or Agate - in center of altar
- Sandalwood & Lavender Incense, Sandalwood & Willow Bark Incense
- Spirit Candle
- Witches' Bowl - a bowl or tray 13" or more in diameter, marked for divination.
- Three casting stones

Cast a triple circle. Conjuring of Spirits is always done in hours of darkness,
not necessary to be midnight, but preferred. After you have performed your
primary ritual, cast the incense into your burner, Place the Spirit Candle into
the center of the altar and say:

"Spirit of good will, I bid thee enter
The Outer Circle.
The Second Circle.
The Inner Circle.
I am protected by this Pentacle upon my breast.
Which bears the name of (your Spirit Guide)
I bid thee, Spirit, Reveal thy Earthly name!"

(turn slowly deosil as you speak)

Repeat this conjuration three times.
Perform a nine card Tarot Divination for the Spirit's name, unless the
Spirit replies in some other manner.
Ask: Have you a message for me?
Perform a Tarot Divination or use the Witches' Bowl to ask questions.
Spirit, is it true that....?
Deal gently with the friendly Spirits and they will lead you to the Greater
During your questioning, observe the Spirit Candle.
If it wavers or rises and falls, or flickers unevenly, use the Tarot to see if
the Spirit has a message.
You may ask 3 questions, after that you must ask:
May I seek further guidance?
Ask only 3 more questions.
Bid the Spirit depart, saying:

"(Name), Good Spirit,
Thou hast diligently answered my questions and I do thank thee. I hereby give
thee license to depart. Depart, thrice - blessed Spirit, and be thou willing to
return when next I conjure thee. By the sound of this bell"

(Use your Witch's Bell), "do I bid thee leave. Depart, Depart. Depart!"

Books in PDF format to read:

Aleister Crowley - Liber 206 Ru Vel Spiritus
Aleister Crowley - Songs Of The Spirit

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