Witchs Bottle

Witchs Bottle Cover Witch's Bottle

Title: Negativity and Evil Banishing Bottle
Categories: Negativity, Protection, House, Bottle
Servings: 1

Pins Jar
Needles Red candle
Rosemary Red wine

This with's bottle destroys negativity and evil.

add rosemary,needles,pins and red wine to jar.
as you do so say pins,needles,rosemary,wine
in this witch's bottle of mine
guard Against harm and enmity
this is my will so mote it be.
visualise the ingrediants doing just that.
put the lid on the jar and seal it with red wax.
Bury the jar at the furthest corner of Your property or in an
inconspicuous spot in the house.


Free eBooks (Can Be Downloaded):

Edward Hare - Bewitched And Bothered
Marian Green - A Witch Alone
Mary Mazzer - Witch Brew