Blotar A Brief Guide To Asatru Ritual

Blotar A Brief Guide To Asatru Ritual Cover

Book: Blotar A Brief Guide To Asatru Ritual by Anthony Arndt

Blotar (the plural form of blot) strengthen the bonds Between humans and the gods, our holy kin. With blotar we honor the gods in a social atmosphere and invite them to share in our celebrations and give them gifts in return for divine favor.

The blot bowl and plates laid out for the gods and Ancestors are taken outside and given to the gods and land wights. This is often done by depositing the offerings at the base of a tree, where animals can devour it on the behalf of the gods and wights, or by casting them into a sacred fire, thanking the gods and Spirits.

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Anthony Arndt - Blotar A Brief Guide To Asatru Ritual