To Conjure Transformation Within Yourself
Moon phase: new, crescent or first quarter
Moon signs: Aries, Scorpio or Pisces
Day: Saturday
Planetary hour: Saturn
Deity: The Calliech
Colors: Purple and silver or gray
Totem Animals: Stag (east), Bull (south), Horse (west), Bear (north)
Tools: Hearthstone on altar
Cup that fits within cauldron
One Seashell necklace
One candle (your choice of color) for illumination
Tea: Valerian and cammomile, Ѕ teaspoon each in tea ball
Incense: Patchouli
Circle: Full ritual
Quarters summoned and stirred. Guardians to protect, Ancients to assist. Quarter
opened west only. Acknowledge the others clockwise but do not open.
Ancient ones draw nigh this night
Circle around, assist my sight
Guardians of the quarters
Round I go
East, South, West, North
Help the energy flow
Protectors of Witches, round one more
To seal this circle
I walk
I conjure
Tis done.
North, the earth, the wind, the rain
Assist me now, upon earth plane
East, the sun, the wisdom, the sight
Assist me now, this sacred night
South, the power, the passion, the gift
Assist me know in the energy shift
West I open, the gates swing wide
I see the answers that lie inside.
Oh mighty Calliech, Queen of the Underworld.
I _______, seek transformation of self.
I feel that I am prepared to make this transition in my life
I am ready to assume the responsibility of the chosen.
Meditate for as long as necessary again. The Calliech will appear in the circle
or in your mind and give you the advice you need on your spiritual journey.
Trace a banishing pentagram over the cauldron in which the cup of tea is placed.
Place your hands over the cauldron and say:
I am the tool
You are the fire
Fill this cup
With all I desire
Drink the contents of the cup, imagining the desired change flowing through your
body. Draw energy from the West, imagining the Calliech is sending it to you.
Center and circumfrence
Throughout and about
Everywhere and nowhere
Within and without
The void
Beyond time
The turning wheel
Red, white and black
The cauldron
Changes me.
Ground and center.
Thank the Calliech. Close the West. Thank the remaining quarters. Pull up the
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