3x3 Spell
balance in Your Life, try the Three Times Three spell.
This spell is best performed outdoors during the 3rd quarter of the moon.
You will need one black candle, a small spool of cotton twine, a small amount of
lamp oil, a deep dish to contain the candle, sand to fill the dish, and a sharp
knife or Witch's athame.
Using the knife/athame, inscribe the name of the person, or word symbolizing the
negative situation you are experiencing, near the bottom of the candle.
Place the candle between your palms and breathe on the candle three times. With
each breath, imagine you are exhaling the negativity you have received onto the
Take the cotton twine, and tie it around the base of the candle so that at least
two feet of twine hangs from the knot. Begin tightly coiling the twine around
the candle in a counter-clockwise direction. While doing so visualize a giant,
protective, mirrored egg surrounding you and repeatedly chant:
Three time three, as ye have sown
Is thine to reap, thy harvest grown.
For best, for worst, for praise or chide,
The Gods alone your fate decide!
Continue wrapping the candle with the twine until you have spiraled to the top,
covering every bit of candle. Loop the twine, trying it in a knot to one of the
coils at the top near the wick.
Next, take the oil and liberally smear the twine and candle with it--cover every
inch of the entwined candle.
Pour the sand into the dish and then wedge the candle into the sand so that it
stands erect, then light it on fire.
Watch as the candle melts away, knowing that the magical attack has been
Also try this free pdf e-books:
Anonymous - White Magic SpellsLeo Ruickbie - Halloween Spells
Anonymous - Book Of Spells