The Real Secret Of Spell Casting
real power that makes a spell work dwells within you, and surrounds you. The
real secret of successful spellcasting, as with all magic, is your connection to
divinity, within and without. Your thoughts, willpower, feelings, and physical
exertions are actually all expressions or forms of this divine energy -- just as
air, water, fire, and earth are all forms of divine energy. When you understand
the true nature of the energy you work with, you can make real magic.
9 Steps to Casting Your Spell
1. cast a circle and connect with the divinity within
2. call upon the divinity from without
3. state the goal of your spell
4. visualize your goal
5. raise energy by chanting, dancing, or drumming
6. direct your energy to the spell's goal
7. release the energy of your spell, ground any excess energy
8. offer libation and thanks and close your circle
9. act in accord and give back in thanks
casting a spell? Don't forget to:
- decide on your goal
- find guidance for your spell from an oracle or divation tool
- prepare your space by cleansing with salt water or herbs such as sage
- read Witchcraft Without Rules
5 Facts for Successful Spellcasting:
Passion fuels a successful spell; doubt can kill it.
Spells can be performed almost anywhere -- though I don't recommend attempting
it while in the midst of rush-hour traffic! You do need to work without being
disturbed when you cast a spell. So find a quiet and private place, preferably
Once you've cast a spell, don't talk about it -- or even think about it -- for
24 hours!
An old axiom says that spells should rhyme. A rhymed spell has rhythm and
joyfulness in it, it's easy to remember and repeat, and the repetition itself
creates an altered, magical Consciousness.
A spell is only used to control yourself, never another or Nature and remember,
you should not do spellwork on someone else's behalf without their permission.
Author unknown
Contributed by Brightstar
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