Blowing Darts

Blowing Darts Image
This is a spell to break and remove all the bad energy, negativity, bad luck, hexes, and etc. that others have put on you, or that you have inadvertently collected or allowed.


* 1 white candle
* 1 smudge stick OR 1 generous handful of dried sage leaves (not the powder)
* 1 lemon (lemon essential oil - or pure lemon juice will also work)
* 1 paper plate
* black marker or pen
* 13 straight pins
* 1 black cloth - the size of a large handkerchief
* 1 egg

* 1 potato


* Gather your supplies
* Get centered
* Draw an "eye of protection" on the paper plate with the black marker or pen.
* Cut the lemon in half and rub it briskly over the candle until the candle is coated with the juice, wipe your hands on the black cloth.
* Now, light the candle.
* Next light the smudge stick, OR if you are using dried sage, place the leaves into a fireproof container and light them so that they begin to smolder and smoke.
* Once you have some good smoke, take the potato and submerge it in the smoke using a circular, counterclockwise motion.
* When the potato seems well fumigated, set it down on the paper plate and cover it with the black cloth.
* Insert the 13 stick pins through the cloth into the potato.
* Crack the egg over the cloth covered pinned potato and let the egg slide off of it and onto the plate.
* Blow on each stick pin and into the potato. As you do this, recite the incantation, saying it louder each time, until you feel the negative energy has left you and transferred into the potato.


Thirteen pins in the poppet,

Hex be broken. Now I stop it.

Curse be over. Curse be done.

I succeed. I have won.

Bad luck stays within the black.

I am not under attack.

Curse be buried and destroyed.

My life it is now filled with joy!


Unwrap the cloth, being careful to keep the pins intact. If a pin does not come out with the cloth, but stays embedded in the potato, you'll have to re-do the spell.

THIS IS IMPORTANT. The potato and the black cloth with the pins in it must be disposed of separately, far from your home. The paper plate should be burned, along with whatever remains of the sage. It's also important to dispose of the lemon (if you used one) and the shell from the egg.

IDEALLY, the black cloth with the pins will be dropped at a crossroads NOT near your home; the paper plate and the sage burned - their ashes scattered to the four winds; and the potato tossed into a river or sent out with the tide.

ALTERNATIVELY, the items could be buried near a crossroads (just be sure that the potato and the black cloth are buried separately and at a good distance from one another). Do NOT bury any of the items in your own back yard!

~Madame Fortuna and Sister "

Recommended books (downloadable pdfs):

Howard Phillips Lovecraft - The Lurking Fear
Sepharial - On The Markets
Aristotle - On Dreams

Labels: how to cast a spell  magic spells  hoodoo spells free  the necronomicon  free magic spells online  magical love spells  your magic spells  witchcraft free spells  high magic spells  

Spell To Heal Physical Pain

Spell To Heal Physical Pain Cover
YOU NEED: piece of amethyst (as clear as possible), or a piece of Fluorite. a good visualization skill.

Sit in a quiet place and clear your mind of everything you can.
Take the amethyst (or fluorite)and hold it in the hand that is closest to the hurt.(if the pain is in the center of the body hold it in your writing hand.
Imagine a soothing light collecting at your feet and draw it up slowly towards your head filling every part of the body.
Whilst doing this say silently the following verse:

"bright light, shining light
heal my hurts with all thy might.

Repeat this as you move the light up through the body.
When you reach the top of your head expand to fill outside the head with light for about a foot.
Then return to where the pain is most concentrated, push all your healing energy into this area.

If this doesn't work the first time then repeat. You should feel better soon.

to end the spell repeat the verse again but finish with "so mote it be"

thank you for taking time to listen. i have tried it out along with others and we have discovered it works very well on pain.

Recommended books (free to download):

Anonymous - The Mystical Qabbalah
Dion Fortune - The Mystical Qabalah

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Brotherly And Sisterly Love

Brotherly And Sisterly Love Cover
To draw children in a family closer, as well as to stop them from bickering, take water from a stream or river. Bring it to a boil on a fire built with fresh twigs. Write the name of each child on a bay leaf and let them simmer together in the water. Ask Venus (The Goddess of Love) to bless them.

Using a pin, inscribe the names of the children on a pink candle and then light the candle, so that its flame may flicker over your spell.

Take a pink, a blue, and a green ribbon. Braid them together, knot the ends, and tie a knot in the middle. The first know represents will, the second, wisdom, and the third, activity.

Remove the pot from the fire and leave it to cool. Extract the bay leaves. Allow the candle and the fire to burn down.

In the garden or in an unused flower pot, bury the ribbon under the bay leaves. Sprinkle ash from the fire on top, and then plant a rosebush or miniature rose on top of everything. (The rose is a potent ingredient in any love potion.)

As the rose grows, the bond between the children will be strengthened. This spell is also said to work when children from two marriages are brought together.

Recommended books (free to download):

Howard Phillips Lovecraft - The Disinterment
Andrew Lang - The Grey Fairy Book
Arabella Buckley - The Fairy Land Of Science

Labels: make love  pagan interest  afterlife communication  spell comb mirror  dispell goblins  truth spell  brews potions  wish come true  capitula  john english text  witches witchcraft africa  

Witch Spell For Love

Witch Spell For Love Cover

I want to start off by saying that I wrote this but I think that witches need to see this and to know that this is the real way to get love. It's fun to mess around with spells, but true love shouldn't come from a spell.

What you need:

1 cup of commitment ointment
2 cups of Trust dust
Ѕ cup of laughter tea
1/4 cup of arguments
1 whole fruit of happiness (or maybe two)
1 lesson on sharing
2 lessons on understanding
Kind words

When to do this spell: During all the moons and signs

What you do:

Take one cup of trust and gently (and gradually) sprinkle it on yourself, your partner should do the same. Steep the laughter in boiling water and drink the tea whenever possible. Eat the fruit of happiness whenever necessary. Rub the commitment oil all over your body any time you feel the need to un-commit.
Unfortunately nobody likes the taste of argument but every once in while you will probably take a spoon full. Now, don't forget to take the sharing and understanding lessons or your spell will not be complete! Always use kind words to each other (especially "I love you"). Above all, enjoy yourselves.

Written By Arian Wolf

Recommended books (free to download):

Tarostar - The Witchs Spellcraft Revised
Aj Drew - Wicca Spellcraft For Men

Labels: maintain love family  using animal  protection spell  specific person  invoke muse  fertility spells  spell study  rich witch  fairy  salem witch trials newspaper  february lughnassadh  gustav jung  

Protection Spell A Simple Salt Ring

Protection Spell A Simple Salt Ring Cover

Protection Spell -Simple

Protection Spell, A Simple Salt Ring


Mix together 1 part salt to 3 parts water. The salt can be any variety, if you have an affinity to the ocean, use sea salt. Pure spring water is reccomended, but tap water will do if that is all you have.


Circle the area to be protected splashing the salt-water as you go around. Do this three times. While doing each circle, repeat three times,

"Thrice around and thrice repeat, all evil does this ring defeat."

See the sheild come up as you finsish the last circle. It is done.

This spell should be done after the area to be protected has been cleansed and purified in some fashion.

Recommended books (free to download):

Al Selden Leif - Pagan Spells Bath Spells
Anonymous - Protection Of Space

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How And Why Casting

How And Why Casting Cover
How I cast a Circle depends on WHY I am circling. But that's not real helpful advice to someone new to I'll try ramble a bit about the subject.

First questions are usually about 'stuff and tools'. I LOVE all my witchy *Thangs*, but never confuse them with the Source of Magic. Wands don't make magic.

If I am outside because it is a full or new moon, or a Solar HolyDay, I tend to bring lots of stuff with me. I don't necessarily bring everything you might see in a group ritual, just what I feel like having according to the moment and the occasion. I've been known to spend the entire day taking things outside to set up a circle in preparation for a ritual just for myself. The preparation, the tools and objects, the creation of an alter, all appeal to the artist in me. It is something I find great pleasure in.

If the reason I am circling is more than celebretory, if I have a specific personal goal in mind, I tend to take less stuff with me, choosing only things I feel most appropriate, and those sparingly. I guess I see a division between 'celebratory' and 'working' ritual. I see 'tools' of ritual as more important in Celebratory Circles and to the working of magic in a group ritual rather than a Solitary one. They help to create the boundaries of sacred space, they add a sense of mystery and help to bring a group into the focus that is needed for working together. Tools have less to offer me in Solitary ritual, I just don't need them as much as in group work.

In any ritual, regardless of the purpose or number of people, I start by grounding and centering. These two are similar, but I see them as distinct from one another. Grounding is more of establishing a connection. I see magic, the use of power and energy as a gift, a loan, the source being the Earth and the Goddess, Grounding is establishing the connection. I can offer you a visualization that I used to use if you want, (it is one of a tree, sending roots deep into the earth) but I recommend you see this as another 'tool' and use it only as an aid to finding your own source/feeling of power.

I don't use a visualization, and I'm not really sure how I can accurately describe what I do....other than to tell you I look within, find inside myself the source of connectedness and power and then let it resonate. This resonance is what I call centering.

The feelings of calling and focusing the Energy of the Earth are powerful ones, centering is becoming adjusted to that feeling, finding your own silence in the midst of a tornado of Power.

I ground and center sitting on the earth, hands touching the ground, eyes closed. The alter and anything I need will already be set up, there may already be a candle burning, sometimes I will open my eyes and stare into the candle before I go any further to cast a circle. I think of this time as waiting to see the circle that wishes to be cast. I don't usually plan ahead what I'm going to say or whom I will invoke, I wait until these moments and follow my instincts.

I usually use smudge, but rarely do a cleansing or banishing in solitary space (and even in group ritual if I remember to add salt to the water its with my Goddess given fingers not some ceremonial knife).

To cast the circle I stand in each of the directions E,S,W,N, and call in the spirits of that direction. My roots are Dianic, I invoke only the Feminine as I call the quarters. I do not in Solitary ritual separately invoke the Goddess, instead I invoke Her in each of her aspects as I come to each direction. At times my words, my intent is to call more upon an essence of a particular direction, other times I directly invoke a particular Goddess that represents to me what I am doing and which direction I am facing.

I know this is sketchy...Here's an example of what I mean: In the East, I usually invoke the essence of the direction, that of beginnings of birth and rebirth. This is the direction in which I see my Friend and Guide the Owl and the direction of my birth, therefore I usually do not invoke a particular Goddess here. In the South, I will usually invoke a particular Goddess, one who represents either emotion or the emotions that I am feeling in regard to the work I am doing. In the West I will include both the essence of the direction as well as a Goddess Aspect, this direction is an introspective, reflective one and comes easily to me. The North is the direction of the greatest Mystery, I linger the longest and speak the least here, usually invoking using an Ancient Goddess name or names.

To call each of the directions I face them from the edge of the circle and raise my arms in what I call the Goddess sign, others call a yonic symbol. I will draw an invoking Pentagram in the air when in group ritual, but in Solitary I draw Pentagrams on my body instead. I draw one over left breast for E, vulva for S, right breast for W and forehead for N, womb for Center. This symbolizes my belief that magic comes from within, and that every woman's body is as the body of the Goddess.

I continue around the circle twice more, pausing in each direction, it is a bit of a trance inducer for me and the belief again that we create magic with our actions - casting the circle as I walk it's path three times.

Yes, my circle casting does blur the lines between *casting the circle* and *invoking*. I'm sure there are many traditionalists who would look down their pointy lil noses at this. But after a decade of walking this spiral path... I am inclined to smirk at comments from RigidWitches. If you take any advice from these pages, let it be to follow your OWN sense of Magic and Mystery.

Spirits of the Mystery Realms, both known and those un-met
I call as Priestess of the Mother,
daughter of Diana, daughter of Astarte, daughter of Artemis,
Mother of All.
As my Grandmothers before me
From time out of mind
In this place that is not a place
I dance between the Worlds
The Circle is Cast

Recommended books (free to download):

Andrew Lang - The Witch And Other Stories
Phil Hine - On Cursing
Leo Ruickbie - Halloween And Samhain

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