For Your Protection

For Your Protection Cover
One protection ritual I'm fond of takes a symbol of the person, place or thing to be warded (a pen, a piece of jewelry, a little toy house or car) and drops it into a heavily charged vessel of water (a gallon jug perhaps) to which colors which symbolize protection may have been added. As the water level drops, it is replenished so that the item stays covered. The energy it takes to keep track of the water level is a reminder to keep the intent fresh.

I've been told by a couple who used this method that the water appeared to evaporate faster when they suspected "attack".

Further, there are plenty of "visualization" techniques that can be adapted to more concrete methods…wrap a symbol of the attacker in tin-foil, shiny side IN, in order to create a focus that is similar in function to the widely used visualization of "placing the attacker in a mirrored sphere…" so that his or her own trash stays with or comes back to him or her.

Upon this, also considered the "witches ball"…those big reflective lawn ornaments that look like they are standing in a big white bird bath. These are classic wigits to repel all sorts of negativity. Their small cousins are shiny Christmas tree ornaments…these are nice to hang in the windows of your home…small, portable, quick and easy, and I have reason to believe they work.

Lastly, consider other classical defenses – the "Witches Bottle" – recipes vary, but the general idea is to take a big old jar, like maybe a mayonnaise jar, and fill it with pins, needles, tacks, nails or heaps of brightly colored, tangled threads, along with assorted fluids, some of which are noxious and/or personal…
and bury the thing beneath the front step if the home in peril.

Various explanations run that: a) all those pointy ends dissipate the energies and ground them, like so many zillion itty bitty lightning rods, or that any attacking entity will become distracted by the weird and glittery pretties, and HAVE to stop and count every one…by which time they forget the mission…or else they have to stop and follow the tangled threads, each to their ends, (knot one together for real fun) and so, accomplish the same thing. I haven't tried this one.

Telepathy specific techniques include thinking consciously of the person you think is attacking. Conscious awareness seems to do a terrific job of STOPPING telepathic traffic…(even when you wish it wouldn't).

Might I ask WHY the bias against visualization techniques? Might I also ask what makes you so sure you are being attacked?

Recommended books (free to download):

Aleister Crowley - Book 4 Part I Meditation
Frater Achad - Qbl Or The Brides Reception
Aldous Huxley - The Doors Of Perception

Labels: attract lover  angel trap  broken spell  make ladder charm  broken spell  open circle  magicians clergy friends  brewing trouble military  early alchemical hieroglyphica  pagan worldview mysticism  references your  making magick together  

Spell Of The Cord

Spell Of The Cord Cover THE SPELL OF THE CORD

By the knot of one
The spell's begun.
By the knot of two
It cometh true.
By the knot of three
Thus shall it be.
By the knot of four
'Tis strengthened more.
By the knot of five
So may it thrive.
By the knot of six
The spell we fix.
By the knot of seven
The Stars of Heaven.By the knot of eight
The hand of fate.
By the knot of nine
The thing is mine.

Articles/articles.html">Articles/Doreen-Valiente.html">Doreen Valiente
"Wichcraft For Tomorrow" pp. 188-189

Also try this free pdf e-books:

Michael Smith - Ways Of The Asatru
Anonymous - The Gospel Of Thomas
Valentina Izmirlieva - All The Names Of The Lord
Albert Pike - The Book Of The Words

Another Beauty Spell

Another Beauty Spell Cover

You will need the following:

1 rose quartz
six rose petals
bottle of witch hazel

Look at yout face in a mirror and all of its flaws.
Visualise your face changing into the face you want and desire.
Rub the rose quartz lightly over the problem areas and say the following:

"Stone of Beauty, Stone of Love,
Erase imperfection as I rub,
Bring to me the face I see,
As I will so mote it be!

Open then the bottle of witch hazel and insert the rose quartz.
Take the six rose petals in your right hand and say...

"Venus, One of beauty rare.
I offer you these petals fair.
Bless them with your loveliness
and bring the beauty I request.

Rub the petals over any line, wrinkle, imperfection ect.
Then drop them in the witch hazel.
Cap the bottle tightly and give it six good shakes a day for a week.
At the end of the week, use it everyday as a toner after face washing.
As you apply it say...

"Imperfections, go away.
Beauty of Venus, come forth this day."

Recommended books (free to download):

Howard Phillips Lovecraft - The Colour Out Of Space
Anonymous - The Ripley Scroll
Al Selden Leif - Pagan Herbs By Use

Labels: accelerate time  symbol spell  ethics wiccan  candle work  kissing spell  become closer your  spell confidence  magick guide herbal  lesser arcanum of constitution  magic beginners  false memory