Bottle Spell

Bottle Spell Cover THE BOTTLE SPELL

This spell can be used to neutralize the power of those who intend to do you
physical harm, or hurt your reputation, or in any way pose a threat to your

4 tablespoons frankincense or myrrh
4 tablespoons black powdered iron (available at pottery shops where ironstone is
4 tablespoons sea salt
4 tablespoons orris-root powder (or oak moss)
1 White candle
1 bottle with a cork or lid
mortar and pestle
parchment paper
black ink or black ball-point pen
black thread

Mix the sea salt, orris-root powder, and iron in a bowl. Then cut a piece of
parchment it fit inside you bottle and write on it with black ink, "I neutralize
the power of (name your adversary) to do me any harm. I ask that this be correct
and for the good of all. So mote it be."

Roll up the parchment, tie it with a black thread to bind it, and place it in
the bottle. Fill the bottle with the dry ingredients. Then take the White
candle and, while turning the bottle counterclockwise, drip wax over the cork to
seal it. Last, secretly bury the bottle in a place where it will not be
disturbed and no Animal or person will dig it up. As you're placing it in the
ground say: "In no way will this spell cause me to suffer any adverse effects!"

This spell is like a genie in a bottle. It should never be unleashed or the
power of the spell is lost.

Free eBooks (Can Be Downloaded):

Anonymous - The Ripley Scroll
Aristotle - On The Soul
Anonymous - White Magic Spells
Leo Ruickbie - Halloween Spells
Anonymous - Book Of Spells

Is Wicca The Right Spiritual Path For Me

Is Wicca The Right Spiritual Path For Me Cover

Book: Is Wicca The Right Spiritual Path For Me by Frances Billinghurst

Australian High Priestess Frances Billinghurst is a regular contributor to The Magickal Light ezine.

She has been Exploring the occult since early adulthood and came to the realisation that the more she discovers, the less she knows and that this will be a life long learning journey. She describes herself as a Wytch, a Wiccan and an occultist, although not necessarily in that order. Upon moving to Australia in 1990, she undertook a course on Celtic Mythology that led to her moving to England a few years later where she found herself in the fortunate position to undertake some training with English occult author David Rankine. After she returned to Australia, she developed as passion for writing and went on to establish the Temple of the Dark Moon in 1999.

After holding the position of secretary of Pagan Alliance Inc (SA) for six years, Frances resigned in 2006 to concentrate on her writing. Her articles have been published both in Australia and internationally, including "Insight" magazine and the 2008 Llewellyn Witches' Calendar, and she is endeavouring to have at least one of the books rattling around inside her head published in the not too distant future. Frances openly acknowledges her book addiction, and confesses she is rather partial to the 'odd' bottle of red wine.

Her coven may be contacted at:

Temple of the Dark Moon

Download Frances Billinghurst's eBook: Is Wicca The Right Spiritual Path For Me

Free eBooks (Can Be Downloaded):

Anonymous - Thelema A New Spiritual Tradition For A New Age
Aj Drew - Wicca Spellcraft For Men
Frances Billinghurst - Is Wicca The Right Spiritual Path For Me

Echoes From The Gnosis Vol Vi A Mithriac Ritual

Echoes From The Gnosis Vol Vi A Mithriac Ritual Cover

Book: Echoes From The Gnosis Vol Vi A Mithriac Ritual by George Robert Stowe Mead

The next instalment in the Echoes series was the translation of a fourth-century manuscript which had only recently been discovered by the German scholar Albrecht Dieterich in the Bibliotheque Nationale in Paris in 1900 and published by him in 1903. Prior to this edition, the knowledge of Mithraism was based on a few fragments; for the first time an entire text became available. Mead added an introduction and a commentary to his translation.

Echoes from the Gnosis(1906) is a series of monographs under the title Echoes from the Gnosis (recently republished in a centennial edition) summarizing his insights into the formation of the Gnostic world-view. By this time Mead had published eight works on various aspects of the early Christian world and on “The Theosophy of the Greeks.” Together with his outstanding translations of the Hermetic books, these works established his reputation as one of the foremost English scholars in his broadly chosen fields. Mead was the first modern scholar of Gnostic tradition. A century later, the corpus of his work remains unequaled in breadth and insight.

Download George Robert Stowe Mead's eBook: Echoes From The Gnosis Vol Vi A Mithriac Ritual

Also try this free pdf e-books:

George Robert Stowe Mead - Echoes From The Gnosis Vol Ii The Hymns Of Hermes
George Robert Stowe Mead - Echoes From The Gnosis Vol Iv The Hymn Of Jesus
George Robert Stowe Mead - Echoes From The Gnosis Vol Vii The Gnostic Crucifixion
George Robert Stowe Mead - Echoes From The Gnosis Vol Vi A Mithriac Ritual

Book 4 Part Iii Magick In Theory And Practice

Book 4 Part Iii Magick In Theory And Practice Cover

Book review: Book 4 Part Iii Magick In Theory And Practice by Aleister Crowley

Part III is titled "Magick in Theory and Practice", and is perhaps the most influential section within Book 4. In this part, magick (with the terminal -k) is defined in Crowley's now famous "Introduction", which is the source of many well-known statements, such as

* "Magick is the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will."
* "Every intentional act is a Magical act."
* "Magick is the Science of understanding oneself and one's conditions. It is the Art of applying that understanding in action."
* "Magick is merely to be and to do."

It contains many influential essays on various magical formulae, such as Tetragrammaton, Thelema, Agape, AUMGN, and IAO. The section also addresses fundamental magical theorems, essential components of ritual, and general practices (e.g. banishing, consecration, invocation, divination, etc).

Download Aleister Crowley's eBook: Book 4 Part Iii Magick In Theory And Practice

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Septem Regum Sanctorum Ritual Xxviii The Ceremony Of The Seven Holy Kings

Septem Regum Sanctorum Ritual Xxviii The Ceremony Of The Seven Holy Kings Cover

Book: Septem Regum Sanctorum Ritual Xxviii The Ceremony Of The Seven Holy Kings by Aleister Crowley

Liber Septem Regum Sanctorum. ritual XXVIII. The ceremony of The Seven holy Kings. - Crowley: 'A ritual of Initiation bestowed on certain selected Probationers.' Unpublished.

Download Aleister Crowley's eBook: Septem Regum Sanctorum Ritual Xxviii The Ceremony Of The Seven Holy Kings

Free eBooks (Can Be Downloaded):

Benjamin Rowe - Enochian Temples A Ritual Of The Consecration Of The Temple Of The Fire Tablet
John Dee - Grimoirium Imperium Or The Book Of The Old Spirits
William Kiesel - Picatrix Ghayat Al Hakim The Goal Of The Wise Vol I
Aleister Crowley - Septem Regum Sanctorum Ritual Xxviii The Ceremony Of The Seven Holy Kings

Getting Justice

Getting Justice Cover Take the Justice card from a tarot deck. Now light a blue candle and place the
Justice card on the right side. Write you name and address on an unused piece of
white or green paper and place it to the left of the candle. Light thirteen
votive candles to represent the thirteen lunar cycles of a year, and place them
in a circle around the candle and card. Say a prayer in which you ask for
protection to be placed around you and your family. Write you wish regarding the
legal matter on a piece of paper. Sprinkle it with rose oil and burn it in the
blue candles flame. Place the burning paper on a saucer until it turns to ash.
Leave the candles to burn out and your wish will be fulfilled.

Books in PDF format to read:

Howard Phillips Lovecraft - The Thing On The Doorstep
Anonymous - Reaching Out To Wiccans

To Make Rain Appear Spell

To Make Rain Appear Spell Cover Do this outsides staring at clouds above:

"Ancient Gods and Goddesses,
I invoke thee.
Waters from the sky,
Let it be."

"I command thee now,
to thee all.
Listen to my desire,
Rain fall!"

This spell has power over the weather and works when it is needed. It makes
it rain. (of course!)

Books in PDF format to read:

Michael Johnstone - The Ultimate Encyclopedia Of Spells
Anonymous - The Urantia Papers

The Faerie Way A Healing Journey To Other Worlds

The Faerie Way A Healing Journey To Other Worlds Image

Book: The Faerie Way A Healing Journey To Other Worlds by Hugh Mynne

Faeries are very real and powerful energy beings who exist in adimension parallel to our own. These beings embody the enlight-ened energy of the elements, and the wisdom, energy, and primalforce of creation. In this book you'll learn to work with the Sidhe,the faeries of the shining realm, to bridge polarities within yourpsyche, the world, and the universe.Meet the great adepts of the Faerie Tradition, includingThomas the Rhymer, who traveled bodily into Faerieland. Learnhow you can enter the Faerie realm and meet animal helpers andfaerie allies that will help you realign with the natural world.Travel to the mystic cities of the Faerie realm to harmonize your inner and outer worlds. Then travel deeper into Faerieland and
become an initiate of the Faerie Way to transform yourself fromthe spirit outward. Finally, tap the energy of the life-force itselfand achieve ultimate wholeness when you merge with your "Co-Walker" in the Faerie world.For Wiccans, the Faerie Way offers deep spiritual springs ofrenewal. For those on other paths, it provides a much-needednondualistic, shamanic alternative to standard Western magicalcosmology. The path into Faerieland lies open to everyone. Ifyou're a seeker who longs to find "the land of heart's desire," TheFaerie Way will guide your steps.

Can it be said that we are all Celts? Certainly Western civiliza-tion owes as much, if not more, to our Celtic heritage as to Greekand Roman influences.While the origins of the Celtic peoples are shrouded in themists of time, they seem to have come from a civilization centeredaround Greece and the Aegean Sea in the third and fourth mil-lennia B.C., moving out across Europe and occupying areas fromRussia to Spain and finally, Scotland and Ireland in 1472 B.C.The Celtic tribes were politically independent, and—incontrast to the Roman Empire—never truly united under a singleruler. That same independence brought Europeans to the NewWorld, then pulled them westward across the continent througha need to create a "new order for the ages"—and a nation of peo-ple free of social, religious, political and economic oppression.Today, the same Celtic spirit asserts itself as people everywherestruggle for a new political reality.Celtic art, music, magic and myth are unique, and areenjoying a renaissance today. Basic to the Celtic tradition is theacceptance of personal responsibility and realization that all of usconstantly shape and affect the land on which we live. Intrinsic to this notion is the Celtic interrelationship with the Other-
world and its inhabitants. The Celtic world view is a magicalone, in which everything has a physical, mental and spiritualaspect and its own proper purpose, and where our every actaffects both worlds.The books of the Celtic Wisdom Series comprise a magicalcurriculum embracing ideas and techniques that awaken the soulto the myths and legends, the psychological and spiritual truthsand the inner power each of us can tap to meet the challenges ofour times.

Download Hugh Mynne's eBook: The Faerie Way A Healing Journey To Other Worlds