Vehicle Protection Spell

Vehicle Protection Spell Cover Protection Spell - Vehicles

Protection Spell, Protecting a Vehicle


You will need one clear or yellow glass bottle, one quartz crystal small enough
to fit in the bottle, and be retrieved, cedar chips, pure spring water, a piece
of red cloth made of a natural material, and frankincense or sandalwood incense.

Create solar water by putting the crystal in the bottle, filling the bottle
with the spring water, and placing it in the Vehicle so that the morning sun
will shine Through it. Remove the bottle at noon. (Store water in cool dark
area until the next morning)

The next morning, spread the cedar chips on a non-metallic surface, and
sprinkle lightly with the solar water. Place in the morning sun to dry.
When dry, place the chips and crystal onto the cloth and tie closed.


Use a cleansing incense, such as frankincense or sandalwood, freshen the
vehicle. Let it completely air out afterward. Then place the bundle in the
vehicle. As you place it say,
"Let this charm keep me from harm"
If doing this for another, change the phrase appropriately.
It is done.

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The Candle Magick Workbook Why And How Candle Magick Works

The Candle Magick Workbook Why And How Candle Magick Works Cover

Book: The Candle Magick Workbook Why And How Candle Magick Works by Kala Pajeon

This book is for anyone thinking of joining a Coven, is a Solitary practitioner of Magick, or is really serious about their Magick Work. It is not a book of meaningless recipes where you have to trust that the author knows what they are doing and is not a rehash of light flowery vague information. The book teaches Why and How Magick really works, and why it can fail. A Fabulous Book!

I have been looking for a book to teach my beginning students how to safely perform magick and spells, and this book is beyond words. It is so rare to really find an author that knows what they are talking about and is willing to share their secrets with the world. A friend, that belongs to a Bay Area Coven, had raved about the book and that it was exactly what I needed for my students. He was right . . . If you want to really understand how and why magick works, and want to customize your own spells . . . I highly recommend this book.

It is one of the rare books that deliver and all the covens that I know of in my area make this book required reading. This is the best candle magick book I've read, and compared to at least one other, the most original. It does a fine job of covering basic theory of magick, visualization, aura and chakra cleansing procedures!, candle dressing and energizing!, oils, incense, time tables; this book is a DISCUSSION and one of the most important books I own. I can't wait for more of Kala & Ketz's works to become available. This is not just a candle magick book it is a MAGICK book.

This book showed me there was more to the subject of candle magick than the usual spell books that usualy show the reader a lot of "voodoo". This book covers everything from the history of candle burning to the proper setting and mood one should be in while engaging in candle magick. This book is a must read, weather or not the reader is looking for candle magick 'recipes' or an interesting new perspective at looking at life in general. This book is a very positive and insperational. I have found my self reading this book at times I was not even planing on lighting a candle.

Buy Kala Pajeon's book: The Candle Magick Workbook Why And How Candle Magick Works

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