Balancing A Situation

Balancing A Situation Image
Calling a situation into balance can be a bit tricky. For example, suppose you are upside down in your finances - more going out than you can bring in. You can use fire and ice to call for a balance. Here is a spell that can be used to bring balance to any situation.


* An empty paper milk carton (quart size)
* Water, to fill the milk carton
* A gray or brown taper candle as tall as the milk carton
* A pencil
* Piece of string
* Cooking spray
* Large bowl or cauldron (gallon size)
* Sand or soil

Spray the inside of the carton with cooking spray. Tie the string to the wick of the candle. Wrap the other end of the string around the pencil. Place the candle in the milk carton and use the pencil to hold it upright by placing the pencil across the top of the carton. (You may cut small notches in the top of the carton if needed.)

Carefully fill the carton with water and place it in the freezer. When the water is frozen solid, tear the carton away. Place the candle in your cauldron, or other large ceremonial bowl. Note: The bowl or cauldron must be deep enough that the layer of sand or soil will easily absorb all the melting ice without covering (and thus putting out) the lighted candle.

Say, "I call upon the universal forces of my Lord and Lady to bring balance to my life. I will that my current financial situation become balanced in the most beneficial way for me and my loved ones. As I will it, so it shall be." (This can be reworded to fit your specific situation exactly.)

As you light the candle, visualize yourself happily spending and receiving money in perfect balance, always having enough for what is needed. Allow the candle to burn completely down, and then pour the water and sand out under a tree.

Found in: Elemental Witch

Recommended books (downloadable pdfs):

Max Heindel - Teachings Of An Initiate
Alan Wallace - Lucid Dreaming And Meditation
Max Heindel - Ancient And Modern Initiation

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To Overcome Bad Feelings

To Overcome Bad Feelings Cover

Items you will need:
cauldron filled with spring water
sea salt
one White candle
one Black candle
a few squares of toilet paper
black pen

Start by filling your cauldron with water and adding the cleansing sea salt to
it, bless the water. Light the White candle and hold it in your hands. Visualize
loving, pure Goddess light energy and place it down next to the cauldron. Light
the Black candle and hold it in your hands. Visualize the Black candle soaking
up all the negativity in your life, in your attitudes and/or in the people
around you. Place it down next to the cauldron. On each square of toilet paper,
write one thing that you want to banish or overcome, example - my ex's
negativity, my lack of motivation at work, my self-badgering of gaining 10
pounds, etc. With each square, hold it in your hands and repeat these words:

'You have no power over me.
You have no power over me.
You have no power over me.
You have no power over me.'

Repeat this until you finally believe and realize that it is true. Then toss the
paper square into the cauldron. When you have done this with all the paper
squares, swish them around in the cauldron for one last blast of affirming
energy. Blow out the candles, take your cauldron and pour the water and paper
into the toilet and flush.

Author unknown.

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The Outer Temple Of Witchcraft Circles Spells And Rituals

The Outer Temple Of Witchcraft Circles Spells And Rituals Cover

Book: The Outer Temple Of Witchcraft Circles Spells And Rituals by Christopher Penczak

This is one of the few books on witchcraft that didn't leave me feeling dumbed-down and dizzy. Most Witchcraft 101 books spend a good deal of time going over what have become well-known and relatively obvious facts about pagan deities, nature and its energies, the sabbats, and the very basics of magical tools and techniques. In this book, however, Penczak chooses a few of the more intriguing (and, for beginners, often intimidating) practices and explores them in depth.

Rather than the usual cursory chapter on magic--which is often no more than the repetition of warm-fuzzy affirmations about how "anything goes" and the power is "all within you" anyway--Penczak devotes two chapters to a detailed explanation of the theory of spellwork, discussing first the guiding principles of energy and the "science" behind magic, and then turning to a treatment of spellwork as artistic crafting. This is the only book that didn't take me from "it's easy!" to a "sample spell" of five or more exotic ingredients and astrological correspondences in one giant leap. Step by step, Penczak builds on knowledge in an intelligent and instructive way, without implying either a dumbed-down make-believe approach or an all-or-nothing game of calculations and memorizations.

Penczak, a New Hampshire-based witch and teacher, is one of the most prolific and esteemed authors in the Wiccan community. In The Inner Temple of Witchcraft, he helped readers go inward—mastering the interior state of consciousness needed to create magick. This sequel is a logical follow-up, with Penczak teaching readers how to bring the sacredness of the inner world into the outer, visible world. As he did with Inner Temple, he organizes this guidebook into a 12-part lesson plan, designed to be completed month-by-month over the course of a year. (Traditional training in witchcraft lasts a year and a day.) Whether or not readers follow the monthly time line, this still makes an excellent grimoire of spells, recipes and rituals. Lessons include an extensive discussion of the Gods and goddesses of witchcraft that helps practitioners understand why it's important to honor and work with them. Consistent with the nature-based foundation of witchcraft, Penczak devotes a lesson to the elements, explaining how to integrate them into rituals and cleansings. Like any good reference book, this one offers an abundance of exercises and visual examples throughout. But what makes this an exceptional resource is Penczak's ability to offer deeper philosophical discussions while simultaneously giving practical advice. One doesn't have to relate to the word "witch" to appreciate this guidebook; all it takes is willingness to create through intention, honor the cycles of nature and be ready to take personal power and responsibility over one's life. Once again Penczak proves himself to be a gifted teacher and a witch of the highest order.

In 'The Inner Temple of Witchcraft' author Christopher Penczak helped readers discover their inner divinty. In his follow up, 'The Outer Temple of Witchcraft', Penczak helps readers reconize the outer divinity through rituals and spells. Like the first book in the 'Witchcraft Temple series', 'The Outer Temple of Witchcraft' is composed of 12 chapters that are suggested to be covered one per month, ending with and intitiation ritual into the priesthood of Witchcraft.

Like the first, 'The Outer Temple' begins with four introductory chapters covering the sacred space, Witchcraft ethics, the history and use of magick, and the meaning of the Wiccan priesthood. From there, Penczak dives right into a through discussion of the Gods of Witchcraft, describing the five-fold divinty, archetypal beings, and relationships with the Gods. From there, the author uses three chapters to discuss the elements of Wicca explaining the what, why, and how of each element.

Similar to most Witchcraft 101 books, Penczak discusses divination, ritual, tools, sabbats, and spells. Unlike most Witchcraft 101 books, the author explains the why of the various topics above. Penczak believes that in order to practice truely effective Witchcraft, we must know the why. One of the most enjoyable and interesting topics of 'The Outer Temple of Witchcraft' was the author's explaination of why spells work using astrological timing and correspondence.

Many would say that the information within this text is covered in other books on Modern Witchcraft. Much of the information is, but never have I seen a book that has all of this information in one place or explains it so well. Honestly, it has to be one of the best books I've seen on the market. If you're new to the Craft, don't hesitate to pick this one up. While you're at it, check out the first one in the series, 'The Inner Temple of Witchcraft'. I promise you will not regret it.

This is also one of the few books that does not place visualization as the primary tool of magic. I found this immensely comforting, as I have worked intuitive magic for years without hardly any visualization or "mystic experiences" (and always felt I must somehow be "doing it wrong"--even if it worked!). Overall, his approach is a scientific one, primarily, and yet it incorporates the foundations of personal and thoughtful spirituality as a necessary building block for (and ultimately the goal of) witchcraft. A great book, well worth the read.

Buy Christopher Penczak's book: The Outer Temple Of Witchcraft Circles Spells And Rituals

Also try this free pdf e-books:

Summers Montague - The History Of Witchcraft And Demonology
Herbert William Magoun - The Asuri Kalpa A Witchcraft Practice Of The Atharva Veda
Justin Winsor - The Literature Of Witchcraft In New England

Willow Knot Spell

Willow Knot Spell Cover THE WILLOW KNOT SPELL

To win the love of a young lady, According to the old Gypsy Witch lore,
a young man must go into the woods on Saint Johns Day (mid-
summer) and find some willow twigs that have grown Together into a
knot. With a sharp, white handled knife, he must cut the twigs, put
them into his mouth, and repeat the following incantation with his eyes


Free eBooks (Can Be Downloaded):

Kathryn Paulsen - Witches Potions And Spells
Anonymous - Hypnotism Spells
Anonymous - Book Of Spells
Leo Ruickbie - Halloween Spells

Beauty Spell

Beauty Spell Image
On a full moon, take a mirror and go outside (if ya can't then open a window, make sure the moon is reflected on the mirror) take a piece of a picture (hair, lips, eyes, whatever you are interested in changing) place it on the mirror and concentrate on it and say...

"Moonshine, Starlight,
let the wind carry your light,
let your glow cover my body,
and let your shine cover every eye."

Say it 3 times and concentrate on the part that you want to change, Then say...

"Moonshine, Starlight,
shape and mold my body,
as a rose is granted beauty,
let me blossom in your light,
the light that brings me beauty,
and grant me beauty three times three"

Say it 3 times and when you are finished light a candle (pink) or incense.

Recommended books (downloadable pdfs):

Aleister Crowley - Liber Al Vel Legis
Tuesday Lobsang Rampa - Tibetan Sage
Anonymous - White Magic Spells

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The Complete Idiots Guide To Paganism

The Complete Idiots Guide To Paganism Cover

Book: The Complete Idiots Guide To Paganism by Carl Mccolman

You-re no idiot, of course. But finding the perfect expression of your spirituality can prove long and challenging. You might already be attracted to paganism, but considering the variety of traditions and paths that fall in this category, you-ll need a spiritual guide.Seek no further! Whether you-re interested in following the pagan path or just curious to know more, The Complete Idiot-s Guide- to Paganism will enlighten you on this fascinating array of nature-based beliefs and practices. In this Complete Idiot-s Guide-, you-ll learn about: * The basic principles of shamanism, druidism, Wicca, and more. * How to deepen your connection to the Goddess, the God, and nature. * The fundamentals of meditation, magic, divination, and spiritual healing. * Tips on incorporating pagan rituals into your modern lifestyle.

A lot of the Idiot's Guides that I have read are really misnamed, because they contain a lot of valuable information about the subject and presented in terms that anyone can understand. I loved this book because it explains virtually every aspect of Paganism. The explanations and descriptions of various Pagan practices, ideals, Sabbats, rituals are kept brief as befits an introductory book. And yet, even after having a handful of other intoductory Pagan books, I found myself learning facts here that I hadn't known about before. The author sticks to the "Pagan philosophy" of "Harm no one" in describing Paganism.

Among topics discussed? Besides the various Pagan Sabbats and pagan ideals, there are chapters devoted to Shamans, Druids, Wicca, the "Spirit World" and the Pagan elements of fire, air, water, and earth. There are four chapters that discuss Pagan rituals and I found the author's claim that we already do rituals in our lives (high school and college graduation, marriage and funerals, for example) very true. I never would have thought about that. There's also several chapters devoted to "Pagan magic," which help to demystify it. The book's last few chapters offer advice on "living the Pagan lifestyle," and there's an extensive list of recommended reading at the book's end. One could spend months reading through the list of books alone if one wanted to.

The more I read about Paganism, the more I realize other religions over the centuries have liberally borrowed its customs and holidays. For anyone wishing to join this path or those already on it seeking to learn more, this book is a wonderful introduction.

Find Carl Mccolman's book in
The Complete Idiots Guide To Paganism

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To Cure Irregularity Of The Heart

To Cure Irregularity Of The Heart Cover

"Heart, heart,
beat steady, steady beat,
steady beat, steady, steady, steady.
Blood run easy, easy, easy,
steady, steady, steady, steady.
Heart beat steady, steady.
Blood run smooth
and pulse steady, steady, steady.
Heart be steady,
Heart be whole."

A Word of Caution: Healings must be performed only on people who fully desire to
be well.
Wherever possible, base the choice of spell on the sound diagnosis of a doctor,
because sometimes curing the symptom and not the cause can have unfortunate
Use instinctive body movement to intensify the power and intent of this chant.

Books in PDF format to read:

Israel Regardie - The Art Of True Healing
Aleister Crowley - The Soul Of The Desert

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Witches Potions And Spells

Witches Potions And Spells Cover

Book: Witches Potions And Spells by Kathryn Paulsen

Witches have great knowledge of how to make magical potions and charms. A potion is a drink that causes a desired effect in a person's behavior. A charm is a magical incantation that helps to bring about a spell. Witches also are believed to be able to see into the future.

According to tradition, witches are said to be masters of the supernatural world. They conjure and command spirits. They may have special helping spirits called familiars, who take the form of animals, particularly cats, snakes, owls, and dogs.

Most witches practice in secrecy. Some do so because they believe that is the tradition. Others do so because they wish to avoid persecution. Because of secrecy, it is difficult to estimate how many people practicewitchcraft.

Download Kathryn Paulsen's eBook: Witches Potions And Spells

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Wicca 101 A New Reference For The Beginner Wiccan Wicca Witchcraft And Paganism

Wicca 101 A New Reference For The Beginner Wiccan Wicca Witchcraft And Paganism Cover

Book: Wicca 101 A New Reference For The Beginner Wiccan Wicca Witchcraft And Paganism by Kristina Benson

In depth and current overview of the 1st Degree Studies A comprehensive guide for those people who are new to the Wiccan Way! Benson's book discusses what Wicca is and isn't, the five elements, the Wheel of the Year, Magick and spell crafting, ethics, philosophy, scrying, tarot, divination, tools, herbs, gems, and celebration of Wiccan holydays. She touches also on the different types of Wicca, the influence of Eastern ways on Wicca, and the ways in which Christians-and followers of other religions-have viewed this peaceful and oft-misunderstood way of life throughout the ages. The author also discusses the relative merits of practicing alone or with others, and what to expect should the novice attempt to join a coven. The complete beginner will be introduced to what it means to be a Wiccan, and what there is to gain from learning the ways of the ancients.

There are too many words to say How I love this book, its one of my favorites and I highly recommend it for a beginner in the path of wicca, it goes through everything in an easy way to follow..and the best part its not preachy as I found some other books.. its simple , easy and just a good read all in all, and the best part it is a book you will always go back to for a refresher.. I love this book so much I would give it to a fellow wicca friend if I didn't already bind it to my own Book of Shadows.

Find Kristina Benson's book in
Wicca 101 A New Reference For The Beginner Wiccan Wicca Witchcraft And Paganism

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Spells Reversal With The Help Of Quran

Spells Reversal With The Help Of Quran Image
Assalam oaliqum,

This is another easy amal for reversing spells such as spells for blocking marriage proposals, prosperity of business, chances of getting good jobs, straining relationships and breaking them, creating hurdles in the life of the victim, etc.

It is advisable to go through my previous posts about spell reversal before doing this amal. Since this amal requires discipline and spiritual strength. Hence, it should be done one one's own responsibility.

Hisar is essential before starting the amal. (Its has been mentioned in my previous posts).

After reading any durud shareef which you know for 11 times read this prayer

and in the end repeat the durud shareef 11 times.

The more the number of times you read this special prayer, the more will be the reversal of the black magic.

This amal can be started at any convenient time.

1 The following symptoms prove that the magic spell has been reversed:

2 The heart beat will get back to normal.

3 The mind becomes peaceful.

4 The feeling of burden on the mind and the heart will cease.

Any kind of disfiguring or discoloring of the face will get cured.

Remember me in your prayers,

Amel Soname,


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Making Talismans Living Entities Of Power

Making Talismans Living Entities Of Power Cover

Book: Making Talismans Living Entities Of Power by Nick Farrell

This is a great book. While it is quite in depth, it is also great for beginners. I started out trying to gather bits and pieces of information about the actual making of Talisman and found that many of the writers simply wrote very short sections without indepth detail as to how and why Talisman are made the way they are. The author thoroughly explains in this book how to create a Talisman from start to finish and how to 'charge' them. Great book on 'Making Talismans.'

Talismans and How They Work A talisman, amulet, or charm is any physical object that stores and radiates a magical energy to create change. A metallic disk, stone, wand, sword, pen, paper, or television remote control can be a talisman provided that it is dedicated toward a "magical purpose. The definition of magic, however, has successfully eluded occultists for centuries.

Aleister Crowley, a Golden Dawn adept, devised the most widely accepted definition of magic. He argued that magic is "the science and art of causing change to occur in conformity with will, but this is too wide a definition to be of much use. Crowley, himself, admitted that this definition implies that any willed act is magical. While turning on a light switch may be perceived as magical to someone who has not seen electricity, most would not define it as a magical act.

Another definition of magic, touted by more than one magical school of which I have been a member, is "the art of causing meaningful coincidences at will." This is equally unsatisfactory, though, since magical work does not always create coincidences that can be seen on the material plane.

While it is not entirely satisfactory either, my definition of magic is " the art and science of becoming a co-creator with a Supreme God. This is not to say that we can be co-equal with the Most High, but rather that we merge into Divinity and its purpose. Occultism teaches that everyone has unlimited potential. We stop becoming successful only when we forget that we are part of an infinite creator. This divine creator aspect of us is like a divine secret self; Jung called it the Higher Self. As this self is realized, we become more in tune with the Divine and have access to more of its powers.

The author not only gives the reader a plethora of different ideas to create Talisman, but goes on to teach the reader exactly what is needed so that the user can use the knowledge gained from this book to use outside sources to create other Talisman.

Great Book, highly recommended!

Nick Farrell (United Kingdom) has been a ceremonial magician since he was 17. Born in England and raised in New Zealand, he was initiated into Builders of the Adytum (BOTA), and is currently an initiate of the Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn and one of its branch orders, the Order of the Table Round. He now runs a temple in the tradition of Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn, lectures and runs workshops throughout the world. He has contributed to Quest, Liongate, and Round Merlin's Table magazines and Chic and Tabatha Cicero's Hermetic Journal. He is currently working on books on magical psychology, earth magic and ritual magic. Nick has a career in news journalism and magazine writing. After more than 15 years working for daily and local newspapers, he is now a full time writer and editor, working for many UK computing and Internet magazines he also advises companies on media relations.

Find Nick Farrell's book in
Making Talismans Living Entities Of Power

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Hints For Success

Hints For Success Cover
Success in spellcrafting, as with any art, comes from practice and patience.
Medieval monks didn't learn to brew world-renowned beverages overnight, nor did
da Vinci create a masterpiece without making some mistakes. So, be patient with
yourself in honing your magical arts and follow these suggestions to help get
over the rough spots:

Bring as many of your senses into the magical procedure as possible to clarify
and delineate its purpose(s).

Always visualize your intentions in detail while you work.

Repeat spells whenever you feel the need. Each reiteration provides supportive
energy for manifestation.

Phrase the verbal component to be geared toward your specific intentions.

If you are uncomfortable with vocalizing spells, you can mentally recite them
just as effectively. Remember, thoughts are words uttered inwardly.

Eliminate, substitute, or augment any prop/focal you desire.

Be certain to maintain the congruity of meaning.

Use the timing as a guideline, not as an edict. Any time is the right time for

Make notes of your successes and failures. These memos will prove immensely
helpful in the future.

It is not necessary to use all the props and focals listed in devising your
spell. In fact, trying to do so would probably make the spell unmanageable
(unless you have three hands). Choose only those items that intimately sym-
bolize your goals, and that you feel are necessary to the spell's construction.

Also try this free pdf e-books:

Frank Luttmer - Chelmsford Witches
Anonymous - The Laws For Witches

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Dieting Spells

Dieting Spells Cover

Waxing Moon Dieting Spell

At the New Moon, go outside by the light of a white candle. Take with you a piece of cleansed moonstone. Get comfortable and form in your mind an image of yourself slim, trim, and happy. As you say the following chant, allow the image in your mind to grow more and more solid:

“Maiden of old, maiden of fire,
Who sees and knows my heart's desire,
I am You, and You are me, and this is what I will to be.
So be it. Blessed be."

Hold in your mind the image as long as you can. When you are ready, project the image of yourself into the stone. Carry it with you to help keep you motivated. Allow the candle to burn itself out and then discard it.

Waning Moon Dieting Spell

It helps to do this one skyclad. Take a piece of charged moonstone and allow yourself to grow quiet and meditative. When you are relaxed and focused, stand and hold your moonstone in your cupped hands. Imagine it as a living creature that feeds off your energy (like a sponge). When you are aware of its energy, move the stone slowly over your trouble spots, imagining the stone sucking the excess energy (and fat) out of those areas. Will the stone to take only as much as is healthy. When your stone begins to feel "full", dress and take it outside. Bury it, saying:

"Creature of Mother, creature of Earth,
Lend me your powers of rebirth.
I give you to soil and silvery light.
I release you into the darkness of night.
As I will it, so mote it be.

Recommended books (free to download):

Anonymous - Hypnotism Spells
Anonymous - Divination Spreads

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