To Bring A Special Spark To A Date

To Bring A Special Spark To A Date Image
Some dates are just waiting for the right spark to make them truly passionate. Here are just the right ingredients to throw in that spark.

You will need:

* Red lipstick
* Rose Oil

Before your date, put on that red lipstick. Dap some oil on your temples and chest, saying:

From seed to bud,
Root to flower,
As a rose I open to the sun.
As all should open to my power!

Touch a dab of the oil onto your lips, press them together, and smile. Visualize yourself as a bright red rose opening, then go on your date.

Recommended books (downloadable pdfs):

Josh Norton - Charging An Enochian Tablet
Benjamin Rosenbaum - The Ant King A California Fairy Tale

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