Ease The Pain Of A Broken Relationship

Ease The Pain Of A Broken Relationship Cover EASE THE PAIN OF A BROKEN RELATIONSHIP

This spell can be performed to ease the pain of a broken relationship, divorce,
death of a loved one or other painful circumstance and to build and renew a
sense of hope in the future.

The ingredients you will need are:

One Black Candle
3 Pieces of Amethyst
Vetivert Oil
One White Candle
3 Pieces of Rose Quartz
Lotus Oil

At Sunset on the night of the Full Moon, take the Black Candle and inscribe with
a short Description of your problem, i.e. divorce, break-up, death, etc. Anoint
the Candle with Vetivert oil and charge it. Set the candle in a holder on your
altar. Take the three pieces of amethyst and hold in your hand. Visualize your
pain and pour it into the stones.

Place the stones in a circle around the base of the candle holder and light the
candle. Visualize the pain leaving you. Allow the candle to burn down one third
of the way and then extinguish. Take one of the pieces of amethyst outside. Hold
it into your hand and again see and feel your pain transferring to the stone.
Then take the stone and throw it from you with all your might. Never take this
stone up again. Repeat this spell for the next two nights, until the candle has
completely burned down, and the amethyst stones are gone. Take any remaining wax
from the candle and bury off of your property.

At Sunrise on the morning of the New Moon, take the White Candle and inscribe
with the word "hope". Anoint the candle with Lotus oil and charge it. Set the
candle in a holder on your altar. Take the three pieces of rose quartz and hold
in your hand. Visualize a positive future for yourself. See Yourself living,
laughing, and enjoying life. Place the stones in a circle around the base of the
candle holder and light the candle. Visualize and feel a strong sense of hope
and expectancy coming to you.

Allow the candle to burn down one third of the way and then extinguish. Repeat
this spell for the next two nights, until the candle has completely burned down.
Take the rose quartz pieces and place one in your purse, pocket, Medicine bag,
or amulet to be carried with you. Place another by a window sill in a sunny
room. Take the last piece and bury it by a tree in your yard as an offering. If
you don't have a yard, you may bury it in a flower pot or plant in your home or
place outside the entrance of your home.

Be patient ... it takes time for pain to come to an end, but this spell will set
you well on your way.

by: (A) MoonRaven

Free eBooks (Can Be Downloaded):

Rabbi Michael Laitman - The Path Of Kabbalah
Robert Ellwood - The Encyclopedia Of World Religions
John Dee - The Practice Of Enochian Evocation

Spell To Look Magnificent

Spell To Look Magnificent Cover apples, snow peas, avocado, and cherries.

for romance: red apple;
for a job Interview or to make others envious, a green apple;
in the arts or to make an impression in public; gold apple)

Cut an apple in half horizontally and you should see the star.
Visualize Yourself glowing like a star.
Eat half the apple, and give the rest of it as an offering,
outdoors under a tree. Peel the skin off the avocado.
Imagine your negative traits peeling off of you,
including any negativity your mind has towards any part of yourself.
Slice the fruit into 7 pieces, and remove the pit.
Mash the slices into a paste, and use as a face mask.
Visualize all your blemishes disappearing.
Now take seven snow peas in your right hand, and 7 cherries in your left.
Eat them alternately. Left hand rules the subconcious, unseen world,
and the right hand rules the concious seen world,
thus you are making yourself Beautiful inside and out.

Do this 1-3 days before you intend to strut your stuff.

Also try this free pdf e-books:

Greg Wotton - Basic Theories On Sex Magic
Peter De Abano - Heptameron Or Magical Elements
Jarl Fossum - Seth In The Magical Texts
Frater Fp - Pocket Guide To Chaos Magick

The Cyber Spellbook Magick In The Virtual World

The Cyber Spellbook Magick In The Virtual World Cover

Book: The Cyber Spellbook Magick In The Virtual World by Sirona Knight

Sirona Knight (A Witch Like Me) and Patricia Telesco (An Enchanted Life) offer Cyber Spellbook: magick in the Virtual World. The Cyber Spellbook is mixing modern technology with witchcraft. Although thousands of Wicca enthusiasts use the Web daily for research and to meet people, they may not realize their computer's witchcraft-related properties. For example, a keyboard can represent "creative flow," with the "delete" key an instrument for banishing and the "shift" key helping one shift between the ordinary and magickal worlds. The Authors explain ways to integrate technology (from cell phones to lawn mowers) with spells, making this a truly up-to-date Wicca resource.

This book is certain to delight New Age and truly appreciates innovative ideas. For the first time in Pagan history, these two Witches have finally put together a book that speaks to our times. It's up to date. We all use electronics and techno-tools in our magic today--I'm keying this review on my computer, which is one of my main cyber witch tools. All witches with fully functioning and open minds will want this book handy in their libraries to refer to--after all, we live in a techno-world, not the Dark Ages. Half-brained Witches will hate it because it threatens their comfy little niche and beliefs. I'm sure there will be a lot of Old Guard, narrow minded Witches that will freak out and complain at the boldness of these authors. I SALUTE these two authors for pushing the envelope and going beyond the insipid little spellbooks with this wonderful New Age book. These authors are ahead of their times and are breaking new ground--way to go Women! Blessed be Patricia Telesco and Sirona Knight!!! May they continue writing more innovative and leading edge books for Witches like me for a long time to come.

Buy Sirona Knight's book: The Cyber Spellbook Magick In The Virtual World

Free eBooks (Can Be Downloaded):

Albert Pike - The Book Of The Words
Lynn Thorndike - The Place Of Magic In The Intellectual History Of Europe
Naomi Janowitz - Magic In The Roman World
Sirona Knight - The Cyber Spellbook Magick In The Virtual World

Change Eye Color

Change Eye Color Cover Close your eyes. You must have Complete focus and be concentrating only on
changing the eye color. Any other distractions must be cleared from the mind.
Now fill you mind with the color your eyes are right now, naturally. Now see
that color slowly change to the color you wish your eyes to become. See it
overpower your natural color. Imagine that the color shines like a ray of light
from inside your mind, out Through your eyes.

Visualize your eyes becoming that color as the light passes through them. (This
Process should take at least 15 minutes the first few times and you will have to
repeat it after a while. Glamour fades as you "forget".)

Upon opening your eyes, you may or may not be able to see the change in the

Also try this free pdf e-books:

Thomas Moore - Candle Magick For Love
Rabbi Michael Laitman - The Open Book
Anonymous - The Ripley Scroll

Spell To Find Your Spirit Guide

Spell To Find Your Spirit Guide Cover SPELL TO FIND YOUR spirit GUIDE

Items needed:


Candle Day candle – Monday – white, Tuesday – red, Wednesday – purple, Thursday
– blue, Friday – green, Saturday – black, Sunday – yellow.

Offeratory candles: 3 violet, 3 white.

Athame to inscribe candles
Crystal ball or clear glass of water

Anise, cardamon and coriander

Jasmine, lemon, rose and sandalwood

Best done during the Mercury hour of the day, although any hour should work. Any
moon phase is appropriate.

Breathe deeply and build a ball of protective light around you. While soaking in
your ritual bath, meditate on the whole ritual, the steps you will take and what
you wish to say to your spirit guide when you make contact.

Enter the circle in the hour of Mercury. Light the incense. With the oil, dress
the altar candle and the day candle while concentrating on the purpose of the
ritual. Light your altar candle and day candle and state your intent:

"I am here to make contact with my spirit Guide and to acknowledge him or her."

With your athame, inscribe violet candle #1 with the word "Spirit". Dress it
with oil. Light the violet candle #1. Direct your energies to it and say:

"Here do I light the first Lamp of Spirit. May its light reach out across the
barriers from this world to the next. May it make contact with that World of
Spirit into which we will eventually enter."

Take your censer or incense wand and swing it around, censing the whole area
around the altar while rhythmically repeating the word "Merge" and building up
energy to focus. Replace the censer and pick up violet candle #2. Inscribe it
with the word "Spirit" and dress it with oil. Put it back on the altar, light it
and say:

"Here do I light the second Lamp of Spirit. May its light also reach out across
the barriers from this world to the next. May it make contact with that World of
Spirit and help spread the light, illuminating the passageway between our

Again take the censer or incense wand and cense the entire area around while
chanting the word "Merge". Build up your energy to focus. Take violet candle #3,
inscribe it with the work "Spirit", dress it with oil, charge with your energy,
light it and say:

"Here do I light the third Lamp of Spirit. May the light from these three lamps
blend and grow, dispelling all darkness and lighting the way that my Spirit
Guide may come to me and speak with me here today."

Inscribe the three white candles with the word "Truth" and anoint each candle
with oil. Light the three candles in the order of 1, 2, 3, and say:

"Here do I build Truth. As these candles burn throughout this ritual, their
power generating nothing but truth in all that transpires between this world and
the next. Through these candles there is truth in all communications that come
to me."

Again cense the altar area while chanting "Merge". Replace the censer and
continue chanting. Sit comfortably while chanting and gaze into the crystal ball
or the clear glass of water. Continue chanting until you feel it is right to let
the chant taper off. Continue to quietly look into the crystal ball or glass,
not trying to picture anything. Keep you mind black so whatever comes will
appear and will come of its own free will. Gaze into the center of the crystal,
there is no need to try not to blink. Look into the crystal and blink naturally.
Try not to notice anything in your peripheral vision, just the center of the
crystal. Eventually a face or figure will appear. This may take a long time or
it may appear almost immediately. If it doesn't come at all within approximately
20 minutes, abandon this attempt, extinguish the candles in the order in which
they were lit. Leave the altar set up and try this ritual again in three days.
You should have results within a month at most. When a figure does appear, ask
if s/he is your Spirit Guide. You will hear an answer, you may not hear it out
loud or even see the figures lips move, but you will be aware of the answer.
This is how most conversations will proceed. You will ask your questions
mentally (or out loud) and the answer will be clear inside your mind. Ask if
you have more than one Spirit Guide. If yes, ask them to appear also. You may
ask anything you wish to know, but it is better to establish a connection first
where your Spirit Guide may appear to you at any time or at specific times, so
that you can converse with any other spirits through him/her. When you have
finished speaking with your Guide, thank him/her, then sit for a moment with
your eyes closed, meditating on all that you have learned. Extinguish the
candles in reverse order to clear the circle.

Free eBooks (Can Be Downloaded):

Prentiss Tucker - In The Land Of The Living Dead
Aj Drew - Wicca Spellcraft For Men
Peter Henry Emerson - Welsh Fairy Tales And Other Stories
The Troth - Gods Of The Heaten Way A Brief Guide
Andrew Lang - The Witch And Other Stories

Wart Spell

Wart Spell Cover Here is one folk spell. People used in old Times and really does work. Try it and you will see.

* This spell is intended for People who want to remove some wart off their body no matter how big or small they are.

Get a one small pea, touch the wart with the pea, fold it in a paper and bury it in moist ground, I repeat MOIST GROUND.
As the pea rots, so the wart will go away.

Free eBooks (Can Be Downloaded):

Arthur Edward Waite - What Is Alchemy
Anonymous - Book Of Spells
Leo Ruickbie - Halloween Spells
Anonymous - White Magic Spells

Myth Ritual And Religion

Myth Ritual And Religion Cover

Book: Myth Ritual And Religion by Andrew Lang

The original edition of Myth, Ritual and Religion, published in 1887, has long been out of print. In revising the book I have brought it into line with the ideas expressed in the second part of my Making of Religion (1898) and have excised certain passages which, as the book first appeared, were inconsistent with its main thesis. In some cases the original passages are retained in notes, to show the nature of the development of the author's opinions. A
fragment or two of controversy has been deleted, and chapters xi. and xii., on the religion of the lowest races, have been entirely rewritten, on the strength of more recent or earlier information lately acquired.

The gist of the book as it stands now and as it originally stood is contained in the following lines from the preface of 1887: "While the attempt is made to show that the wilder features of myth survive from, or were borrowed from, or were imitated from the ideas of people in the savage condition of thought, the existence--even among savages--of comparatively pure, if inarticulate, religious beliefs is insisted on throughout". To that opinion I adhere, and I trust that it is now expressed with more consistency than in the first edition. I have seen reason, more and more, to doubt the validity of the "ghost theory," or animistic hypothesis, as explanatory of the whole fabric of religion; and I present arguments against Mr. Tylor's contention that the higher conceptions of savage faith are borrowed from missionaries. It is very possible, however, that Mr. Tylor has arguments more powerful than those contained in his paper of 1892.

Download Andrew Lang's eBook: Myth Ritual And Religion

Also try this free pdf e-books:

John Fiske - Myths And Myth Makers Old Tales And Superstitions
Marcus Cordey - Magical Theory And Tradition
Eliphas Levi - The Magic Ritual Of The Sanctum Regnum
Eliphas Levi - The Ritual Of Transcendental Magic
Andrew Lang - Myth Ritual And Religion

Brewing Up Trouble Wicca And The Us Military

Brewing Up Trouble Wicca And The Us Military Cover

Book: Brewing Up Trouble Wicca And The Us Military by Robert Maginnis

It is quite possible to maintain an army that is totally male, totally white, totally heterosexual and totally monotheistic. However, in its wisdom, the U.S. army became integrated a few decades ago; they have allowed women into an increasing range of assignments. They do not reject those gays and lesbians who stay in the closet. Finally, they are now formally recognizing small minority religions. At each step of the way, doomsayers raised the specter of damaged military preparedness. History has shown their concerns to be without merit. As armies are increasingly directed at peace keeping, an force that is racially, sexually and religiously diverse sends a powerful message to the people being helped. Kosovo and Bosnia are two potent examples of the power of religious diversity in the military.

Robert Maginnis is concerned that if the Army allows Wiccans to hold their services on-base, then non-Wiccan soldiers' "readiness factors such as military values, adherence to norms, willingness to kill, and recruitment and retention..." will be undermined. This is because he believes that most soldiers regard "witchcraft as an abomination."

Download Robert Maginnis's eBook: Brewing Up Trouble Wicca And The Us Military

Also try this free pdf e-books:

Louis Claude De Saint Martin - Man His True Nature And Ministry
David Oringderff - Spiritual Philosophy And Practice Of Wicca In The Us Military
Kathryn Rountree - Embracing The Witch And The Goddess
Sacred Well Congregation - Overview And Guide For Wiccans In The Military
Robert Maginnis - Brewing Up Trouble Wicca And The Us Military

Getting Started

Getting Started Image


By aligning your energies with the lunar cycle, and tapping into the natural tides and currents of life, you will increase the effectiveness and power of your spells.

Because the moon turns the tide and our bodies are mainly composed of water, we wax and wane with the moon.

Generally, psychic energy is highest when the moon is waxing (becoming full) and weakest when it is waning (diminishing).

To attract something into your life, work when the moon is waxing (becoming full). For banishing spells and to remove negativity and bad situations, work when the moon is waning (diminishing).

The most important ingredient of any spell is love. Any spell you cast should come from the heart, and you should direct your thoughts like an arrow toward a magnet.

Spells work in spirits' time. What is sent out mentally leaves an etheric trace, which adds power to the spell when repeated or reworded.

Thought and prayer are very powerful, and what makes the magic work is faith. Both words and thoughts are a powerful vibratory force. You must believe that what you wish for will come true.

Recommended books (downloadable pdfs):

Tuesday Lobsang Rampa - Feeding The Flame
Aleister Crowley - Thoth Tarot Deck

Labels: witchcraft love spell  witchcraft and magick  ancient love spells  witchcraft spells for free  learn magic spells free  simple candle love spells  life spells  all egyptian gods and goddess  

Casting Circle Method 1

Casting Circle Method 1 Cover
Mark the North with salt or a stone to represent earth. Mark the East with your choice of incense to represent air. Mark the South with a red, orange or white candle to represent fire. Mark the West with a chalice full of water to represent water. Evoke the Lords of the Watchtowers, beginning with the North.

Go North, East, South, West if the spell is for invitation or increase, or North, West, South, East if it is one of decrease or banishment. Describe a circle in the air with your wand, sword or athame and salute each corner with it..

"Hail, Lord of the Watchtower of the North. I call upon thee to join my circle and foresee my magickal workings. By earth, air, fire and water I call upon thee. By the Law of Three, I call upon thee. Enter, Lord of the Watchtower of the North and welcome."

"Hail, Lord of the Watchtower of the East. I call upon thee to join my circle and foresee my magickal workings. By earth, air, fire and water I call upon thee. By the Law of Three, I call upon thee. Enter, Lord of the Watchtower of the East, and welcome."

"Hail, Lord of the Watchtower of the South. I call upon thee to join my circle and foresee my magickal workings. By earth, air, fire and water I call upon thee. By the Law of Three, I call upon thee. Enter, Lord of the Watchtower of the South, and welcome."

"Hail, Lord of the Watchtower of the West. I call upon thee to join my circle and foresee my magickal workings. By earth, air, fire and water I call upon thee. By the Law of Three, I call upon thee. Enter, Lord of the Watchtower of the West, and welcome."

You are now ready to perform you spell or ritual. Ground power by lying hands palms down on the ground and forcing the energy back, saying:

"The Circle's open, the spell's released. Farewell, Lords of the Watchtowers. Go in peace."

Books in PDF format to read:

Giuseppe Bezza - The Astrological Metaphors
Anonymous - Bealtaine Circle Of The Dark Moon

Labels: white spells justice  electric california  spell personal  mind spell  book shadows shadows  greater pentagram  paganism reader  magic spells  magician marlowe doctor  witch anglia comparative  spirits and demons  simone zanoni  writings secrets meditation  godly forms  spiritual rich peace  

To Attract A Lover

To Attract A Lover Cover
This is when you have a lover but he or she is not as attentive as you would
wish. You know they love you but...

Sit before a dying fire and gaze into it, clearing your mind of all but thoughts
of your lover. Have a small basket of laurel leaves between your knees. Keeping
your gaze fixed on the fire, dip your left hand into the basket, take out a
handful of leaves, and toss them onto the fire. As they burst into flames, chant
out loud the following:

"Laurel leaves that burn in the fire,
Draw unto me my heart's desire."

Wait until the flames have died down, then repeat the action. Do it a third
time. Within 24 hours your lover will come to visit you.

Books in PDF format to read:

George Lyman Kittredge - Notes On Witchcraft Ocr Version
Anonymous - The Urantia Papers
Howard Phillips Lovecraft - The Transition Of Juan Romero

Labels: attract like  signs voodoo spell  healing spell  charms worn person  paganism introduction religions  hiding spell  cast luck  kitchen potions  ancient mesoamerican compared  tuba veneris latin  studies pagan christian  other witchcraft prosecutions  salem witch trials hangings  between crowley frieda  

Bring Travel Spell

Bring Travel Spell Cover Want to get out there and see the world? This is an easy spell to help bring more Travel opportunities into Your Life. It's a great example of an air spell. You will need:

- A small hand fan
- Dish of fresh mint
- A small light feather

The fan should be the kind you wave, not a battery-operated gizmo. And the feather should be small and light, not a big turkey feather. I hope that's all nice and clear now. Lean over the dish of mint, and breathe in the smell. Visualize Yourself in different places, seeing different landscapes.

Toss the little feather in the air, and use the fan to blow it around the room. Try to keep it airborne as you see the winds of chance also moving you to new places in the near future.

Let the feather land in the mint, then take a few more breaths of the minty aroma. Each morning take a deep breath of it again, and picture yourself seeing new sights.

Also try this free pdf e-books:

Robert Bruce - Treatise On Astral Projection
Aleister Crowley - Liber 005 Vel Reguli
Greg Wotton - Suffering A Thelemic Perspective
Anonymous - Book Of Spells
Hrafnagaldr Odi - Odin Ravens Song

To Ride A Silver Broomstick New Generation Witchcraft

To Ride A Silver Broomstick New Generation Witchcraft Cover

Book: To Ride A Silver Broomstick New Generation Witchcraft by Silver Ravenwolf

Selling more than 300,000 copies, this popular guide to the Craft has been helping a new generation of Witches-those practicing or wishing to practice the Craft on their own-for over a decade. Filled with Silver RavenWolf's warmth, humor, and personal anecdotes, To Ride a Silver Broomstick introduces the science and religion of the craft.

Having seen a recent survey on the Witches Voice web site, I can say with certainty that the great majority of practicing witches in the U.S. today are NOT in Covens, but solitary practitioners who have no teachers, and no guidance as they begin. This sort of "this-is-such-a-schmucky-book-because-it's-not-written-by-Raymond-Buckland-and-doesn't-revolve-around-a-coven" talk should really be left to the more mainstream religions. In the Craft, all paths are paths to the Goddess. It's also not realistic; most of us can't find people willing to teach us, and may not feel comfortable even if we could. Buckland's books are great, but they don't speak to Witches who are outside the coven group. (I also didn't know there were such things as "real" rituals...are my rituals less real because they're written by me and not by Buckland or Gerald Garner? That sounds remarkably Medieval Roman Catholic Church-like to me....) For those of us who are not lucky enough or choose not to be in a Coven, this book is a strong foundation, provided it's used correctly. If you simply read through it quickly, it will be informative, but it won't function as a basic course in Witchcraft. If you choose this as your main text (and there are other books that will be equally good depending on who you are), then you should really follow it closely to get the full effects: buy your notebook, take your time, do your exercises, and most importantly...READ the supplementary texts suggested at the end of most chapters. Read them between your chapters in "Broomstick". They will give you more insight and enhance your study, and will also give you ideas of the directions you want to take as you grow. If you do this, you will find yourself better prepared to tackle the mountain of information available on the Craft. I know I sure did.

Silver RavenWolf is one of the most widely recognized names in circles of witchcraft, and with good reason; she has written some of the best guides to contemporary Witchcraft available. To Ride a Silver Broomstick is a handbook aimed at the beginner, and doesn't get bogged down in history, dogma, or gender roles. It is a workbook for the individual, whether one is a solitary practitioner or part of a coven, that covers the basics of the craft--from useful vocabulary to setting up an altar--and briefly delves into more advanced concepts such as astral projection and telepathy. To Ride a Silver Broomstick may not be the most comprehensive single volume on the subject of witchcraft, but RavenWolf focuses on the aspects most important to a beginner, and keeps her introduction to the craft approachable and easy to follow. --Brian Patterson

Find Silver Ravenwolf's book in amazon.com:
To Ride A Silver Broomstick New Generation Witchcraft

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An Issian Circle Casting

An Issian Circle Casting Cover
Circle casting adapted by Matrika of PAN - the ORIGINAL Psychic Awareness Network BBS at 1-703-362-1139

ADAPTED from the Community of Isis Rites in Salem MA. for use by the Moonchildren Coven

This requires the use of a duly consecrated wand, a chalice, an athame and a container for salt and water - NON - plastic PLEASE - on your altar as well as 2 candle sticks with candles in them and an incense burner for stick or hanging incense. You should work robed or nude as you prefer. In the 4 directions you should have either air (as incense) or fire (as candle - lit, of course, and preferably red) in the east - according to your tradition. The OTHER element - the one not used in the east - in the south, again according to your tradition. (i prefer air-east- wand, fire-south - athame, personally - but I realize there are differences in tradition.


A bowl - again NOT plastic - of water in the west and some rocks or a dish of salt in the North for earth.

IF you wish you may lay a circle of salt on the floor, leaving a gate for the priest/ess to enter and leave for the temple purification or you may visualize the circle coming as electric blue light out of your athame point as you cast it. After s/he returns from purifying the outer perimeter, the gate would be closed and the circle cast (after the directions are called) by pointing the athame (or the sword) at the salt and charging it instead of casting into the air. The gate would be closed by completing the circle of salt.

Okay, I am writing this as used by a person working alone, but the P or PS in parenthesis is how it would be done if done by a couple. PS is the female and P is the male. This is the IDEAL form of the rite.

(PS) picks up bowl of salt and bowl of water on altar. (P) picks up athame and places it point down in the water and says "SALT is pure, let this salt be pure and let it purify our rites as we use it in the service of the Lady and the Lord?


(PS) pours some of the salt into the water. (P) stirs it with his athame and says: "May this sacred salt purify this water so it may be used in this service of the Lord and Lady, throughout this rite, in any way and at any time we may wish to use it."


(PS) takes the salt-water and sprinkles it about the perimeter of the circle (outer) saying the following while walking WIDDERSHINS (to banish) or counter-clockwise:

"Salt and water where I cast thee
No spell or unknown purpose be
Unless in full accord with me
and as I will SO MOTE IT BE"

She returns to the circle. The (P) then takes the incense burner - if a swinging one - or the burning stick of incense and goes around the circle deosil saying: "ever as we walk in the ways may we feel the presence of the Lady and the Lord We know that in all we do they are ever with us They abide in us and we in them forever. No disharmony or imbalance can be entertained for purity, harmony and balance are the dwellers within and without us:

For good do we strive
and for good do we live
Love unto all things
SO be it forever
Love is the law and
Love is the bond
Blessed be the Lady and the Lord"


He returns to the circle. He then picks up his wand and goes to the East, raising it high he invokes the element of air visualizing either the ruler of that element as he understands that being OR a yellow pentacle can be substituted. I like to imagine a weeping willow tree budding in the spring being moved by the gentle breezes through the center of the pentacle - as if through the center of a window. (IF YOU USE FIRE IN THE EAST- SUBSTITUTE VISUALIZATION HERE WITH THE ONE I GIVE IN THE SOUTH AND CHANGE THE INVOCATION ACCORDINGLY)
"Hail to thee Lord of the Watchtower of the EAST element of air (fire?) We invite your presence and your power in our circle and our magick this night.


(P) - Welcome and Blessed be


Go to the south and repeat this visualizing either your conception of the ruler of the watchtower for the south OR a red pentacle - I like to "see" a campfire through it's center, as if through a window. Repeat invocation with raised wand substituting OF THE SOUTH and ELEMENT OF FIRE

Go to the WEST and repeat this visualizing either your conception of the ruler of the watchtower of the west OR a BLUE pentacle - I like to see a mountain stream or the ocean through the center of it, as if through a window. Repeat invocation making suitable changes of direction and element in it.

Go to the North and repeat the process visualizing either your conception of the ruler of that watchtower OR a Green pentacle - I like to see Mountains rising up in the distance through the middle of it, again as if through a window.

He returns to the altar and replaces the wand.

THE (PS) takes up hers and invokes the Deities: "HAIL TO THEE LORD AND LADY" (Substitute aloud or silently the names you are using for the Goddess and the God here - with non-initiates, some prefer to use the generic "Lord and Lady" out loud, keeping the
names by which the inner circle of initiates know Them a secret. This is also a good idea to use when you have members of several traditions present who may not agree on what names are used for them) "We invite your presence and power in our circle and our magick this night".



ALL - Blessed be

She then replaces her wand on the altar and picks up her athame or the coven sword and casts the circle - either straight out, visualizing blue light coming from it's point - or, if a circle of salt is used, straight DOWN at the salt, to charge it. THIS IS DONE DEOSIL, OF COURSE. (clock-wise - just like the censing of the circle was done earlier! the ONLY time widdershins is used is the salt-water banishing / cleansing to prepare for circle casting and in opening the circle)

First casting - " I conjure this circle, a mighty Psychic rampart that turns back ANY excess positive or negative energy which may come to do us harm"


Second casting - "I cast this circle, a place that is not a place, a time that is not a time, a sacred place between the worlds, a place to commune with eternity (or THE LADY AND THE LORD)"


Third casting - "I charge this circle, a place of perfect love and of perfect trust where all may know peace profound"


SHE RETURNS TO THE ALTAR. If a bell is used (brass or silver ONLY please) she rings it and says "Now is the circle cast"


The circle then perform the full-moon rite, raising the power and drawing down the energy into themselves by whatever rites they use and Magick is performed as is appropriate and necessary OR the ritual for one of the 8 Sabbats is performed - a much lighter and informal occasion - according to the time and purpose of the circle.

The cakes and ale/wine (I substitute APPLE juice or SPRING water, as I am allergic to alcohol) are consecrated by the athame in the chalice

NOTE - the cakes should be as natural as possible, HAVE SOME RESPECT! Please no twinkies or oreos - I've seen some "people" do that!

Circle closing

The (P) takes up his wand and goes to the 4 quarters, beginning at the north and going widdershins, where he raises his wand at each and dismisses the rulers of the elements thusly:

" Farewell to thee
Lord of the watchtower of the (direction)
element of (name element)
We thank you for our presence and power
in our circle and our magick this night"




As he does this, he visualizes whatever he visualized earlier and then "sees" it fading out. When he has done all 4 quarters he replaces his wand on the altar

THE (PS) picks hers up and raises it high says "FAREWELL TO THE LORD AND LADY" (again names may be substituted silently or aloud) "WE thank you for your presence and your power in Our circle and our magick this night".




She then picks up her athame (or sword) and pointing it either in the air or at the salt, whatever she did before, she walks widdershins and as she opens the circle she pictures in her mind's eye the electric blue light fading out or being reabsorbed by the tool she carries as she says:.




ALL - BLESSED BE (they all hug each other in many circles here)

(Candles are snuffed on altar here - never blow out candles) If bell is used, she rings it and says THE CIRCLE IS NOW OPEN

Note - our circle in New England, which met only for the Sabbats except for it's leadership which did the full-moons themselves as it was a training coven, tended to use a lot of chanting and simple ritual drama to raise energy as we worked in a very confined space. Other methods can be used. In full-moon work I like active deep-meditation or guided trance and chanting because of size of space available to me at this time. However many covens also use the dance, the cords, the great rite - actual or symbolic, and other methods. Always remember there is NO one right path.

There is also no one right way of casting a circle. Different traditions differ greatly. The main body of this rite is that used by the community of Isis - but I have added invocations at the circle cleansing that I like which come from Al Manning (for the salt-water) and Ray Buckland (for the censing of the circle). The blessing of the salt and water are also from Ray Buckland's teachings - I prefer his method, because of its clarity of intent, to the one I learned here so I use it.

Part of the circle closing was also adapted from Starhawk. Many people like to elaborate on the invocations at the quarters and present them in poetic formats, as they do with the invocation of the Lord and Lady.

Books in PDF format to read:

John Yarker - The Anglo Saxon Chronicle
Anonymous - What Is Wicca Article 2

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Candle And Crystal Spell For Successful Study

Candle And Crystal Spell For Successful Study Cover
Anoint two yellow candles with lemon oil and light them. Take a citrine quartz,
anoint with lemon oil also, and place in front of the candles so that the
candlelight shines on it. Chant the following:

'Charge the stone with candle light
To fill my mind with wisdom bright
To keep my mind alert and clear
So that no bane can interfere
With the process of my brain
So what I read is knowledge gained
For all my life to stay with me
This is my will, so mote it be!'

Let the candles burn and charge the stone while you study. Keep the stone with
you when you need to give papers, take exams or study.

Also try this free pdf e-books:

Thomas Moore - Candle Magick For Love
Richard Alan Miller - The Magical And Ritual Use Of Herbs

Tags: liber liber sanctorum  enoch hebrew book  method telling cards  sorcery sethanic  grande table terre